Assistant Professor |
Teaching Experience: 11 yrs
Research Experience: 6 yrs
SVCEW Emp ID: 542
AICTE Unique ID: 1-2196455391
- Machine Learning
- Image Processing
Degree | Organization/Institution | Specialization | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | Presidency Universitym, Bangalore | Machine Learning & Image Processing | 2023 |
M.Tech | GITAM University, Vishakapatnam | IT | 2011 |
B.Tech | Sir CRR College of Engineering, Affiliated to Andhra University | CSE | 2009 |
- Life Member CSE, IEI
Publications in National/International
- Anuj Rapaka (2023), An intelligent convolution-based graph cut segmentation for potato leaf disease severity prediction. Multimed Tools Appl (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16718-7
- Anuj Rapaka (2023), “Classification of Disease from the Potato Leaves Using Lstm” ACTA BIOMEDICA, Vol. 94 No. 2 (2023)
- Anuj Rapaka (2023), “An Optimized Hyper Parameter Tuned Convolution Neural Frame for Potato Leaves Disease Prediction”, SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2023, 10(2), pp. 180–195
- Anuj Rapaka (2022), “An Efficient Workflow Scheduling Algorithm in cloud computing using Cuckoo search and PSO Algorithm”, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, 385, pp. 137–145
- Anuj Rapaka. (2018). “Different Types of Data Analytics using Big Data”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology, ISSN: 2456 3307, Vol.3, Issue-03.
- Anuj Rapaka. (2017). “User Data Recovery and Secure Data Distribution in the Cloud”, International Journal of Research, ISSN: 2348-6848, Volume 04 Issue-14.
- Anuj Rapaka. (2014). “A Combitorial Approach for New Generic Malware Detection Technique”, International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, ISSN: 2278-1080, Volume 02 Issue-05
Journal Publications in National/International Conferences:
- Anuj Rapaka (2022), “An Ecient Workow Scheduling Algorithm in cloud computing using Cuckoo search and PSO Algorithm”, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, 385, pp. 137–145
- Anuj Rapaka (2022), “Prioritized Load Balancer for Minimization of VM and Data Transfer cost in cloud computing”, International Conference on Soft Computing and Signal Processing-ICSCSP 2021: Soft Computing and Signal Processing pp 263–271
- Anuj Rapaka, (2019). “Feature Extraction Techniques in Hyperspectral Data sets for classification purpose”, National Coference on Cognitive computing- NCCC’19
- Essentials to the Secret of Cyber Security (2022) ISBN: 9789355743930, Walnut Publication https://www.walnutpublication.com/author/1339075417/
- Filed a patent with patent number 2021101322 and was granted on March 14th, 2021.
The term of the patent is for eight years.
Title: AWS-Cloud Data (EC2) (Amazon Web Services) Performance improvement using Machine and Deep Learning Programming.
- Computer Vision and Image Processing-Fundamentals and Applications, 12 week NPTEL Course, January 2022 – April 2022
- AI for Everyone, Coursera, May 2020
- Python Data Structures, Coursera, April 2020
- Attended 2 day webinar on “Learn to Build IOT Projects using NodeMCU” held on 15th and 16th July 2020, organized by the Department of Information Science and Engineering, Brindavan College of Engineering, Bengaluru in association with Infidata technologies, Bengaluru.
- Attended Online FDP through webinar on “IOT & Wireless Sensor Networks” held on 27th July to 31st July, 2020.
- Attended online webinar conducted by APSSDC on Optical Communication on 25th July, 2020
- Completed an online course, recognized by Skill Council for Green Jobs, conducted from 01 May 2019 to 31 Dec 2019 for Student Solar Ambassador Workshop 2019 offered by IITBombayX, an online learning initiative of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
- Attended a 3 Day FDP on “Recent trends in Wireless communication Technologies” organized by department of ECE, Bangalore Institute of Technology in Association with IMAPS India from 3rd to 5th August, 2020
- Attended an online webinar on “Building Dynamic web applications” using servlets & JSP on 8th July, 2020
- Attended one week online short term training program on “Matlab-Statistics and Data Science” organized by Department of Applied Science on 27th to 1st August, 2020
- Attended an Online webinar on “Cloud computing: Industry Applications” organized by IT Department, BVRIT Narsapur on 13th June, 2020.
- Attended a Five Day Online FDP on Block Chain Technologies organized by CSE & IT of Gudlavalleru Engineering College in association with CSI from 9th to 13th June, 2020
- Attended a Two Day FDP on “Research Project Grant & Patent filing” by BIET, Ibrahimpatnam, on 19th & 20th October, 2020.
- Attended a One week International FDP on Interdisciplinary Insights: Data Science, Machine Learning and Cyber Security from 19th Feb to 24th Feb, 2024 Organized by School of Computer Science and Engineering, JAIN University, Bangalore
- R&D Department Coordinator
- Time Table Coordinator
- NAAC Criteria Coordinator
UG Level
- Operating Systems
- Compiler Design
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Machine Learning
- Mobile Applications & Development
- Cloud Computing
- Open-Source Software
- Digital Logic Design
- E-Commerce
PG Level:
- Cloud Computing
- Software Architecture and Design Patterns
- Software Metrics & Reuse
The recent publications and research contributions can be viewed from the following URLs:
Profile | Link |
Google Scholar | Anuj Rapaka – Google Scholar |
ORCID | ANUJ RAPAKA (0000-0002-5240-0693) – ORCID |
Scopus | Rapaka, Anuj – Author details – Scopus Preview |