Associate Professor |
Teaching Experience: 19 yrs
AICTE Unique ID: 1-490602742
- Cloud Computing,
- DL
Degree | Organization/Institution | Specialization | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | SSSUTMS, Sehore, Bhopal | CSE | 2021 |
M.Tech | JNTUK, Kakinada | CSE | 2013 |
B.Tech | Dr NNCE, Tholudur, (T.N) | CSE | 2005 |
Publications in National/International:
- Pilli, B.V.R., Devabalan, P., Nagarajan, S. ” Detecting the Vehicle’s Number Plate in the Video Using Deep Learning Performance” Review of International Geographical Education Online, 2021, 11(5), pp. 4315–4324.
- Josphineleela, R., Raja Rao, P.B.V., shaikh, A., , “A Multi-Stage Faster RCNN-Based iSPLInception for Skin Disease Classification Using Novel Optimization”, Journal of Digital Imaging. Volume 36 pages 2210-2226, (2023) DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s10278-023-00848-3
- M.Prasad, P R Sudha Rani, Raja Rao PBV, Pokkuluri Kiran Sree, P T Satyanarayana Murty,” Block chain-Enabled On-Path Caching for Efficient and Reliable Content Delivery in Information-Centric Networks”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 358–363,e-ISSN: 2321-8169. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i9.8397
- M. Prasad, Raja Rao PBV, “Fog-Based Data Analytics Scheme using Edge Affinity based Management”, Neuroquantology, Sep 22, Volume 20, Issue 11, Page 1674 -1682, DOI: 10.14704/Nq.2022.20.11.Nq66161, ISSN 1303-5150
- Raju, P. J. R. S. ., M., Prasad, Raja Rao PBV (2024). “Deep Insights into Data Analysis in Multi-Core Active Flash Arrays”. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(18s), 633–637, https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/5011
- Sree, P. K. ., Prasad, M, Raja Rao PBV (2023). “A Comprehensive Analysis on Risk Prediction of Heart Disease using Machine Learning Models”. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(11s), 605–610, e-ISSN: 2321-8169, https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i11s.8295
- Veera V Rama Rao M, Anuj Rapaka, M Prasad, Raja Rao PBV “Enhancing Network Security: Leveraging Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection”. J. Electrical Systems, 20-2(2024), 1555-1562, https://doi.org/10.52783/jes.1460
- Raja Rao PBV, Kiran Sree Pokkuluri, M. Prasad, “Generic Framework for Vehicle Identification System with Deep Learning Models”. J. Electrical Systems, 20-2(2024), 1403-1414, https://doi.org/10.52783/jes.1440
- Thotakura Venkata Sai Krishna; Tummalapalli Siva Rama Krishna; Srinivas Kalime; Chinta Venkata Murali Krishna; Sadineni Neelima; Raja Rao PBV”A novel ensemble approach for Twitter sentiment classification with ML and LSTM algorithms for real-time tweets analysis”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2024-06-01 | Journal article DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v34.i3.pp1904-1914
Journal Publications in National/International Conferences:
- Raja Rao PBV et al., “COVID-19 prediction with Chest X-Ray images using CNN”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics. ICIITCEE 2023.
- Raja Rao PBV et al., “A Hybrid Intelligent Cryptography Algorithm for Distributed Big Data Storage in Cloud Computing Security”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 14078 LNAI 2023.
- Raja Rao PBV et al., “Enhancing the MANET AODV Forecast of a Broken Link with LBP”, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. SIST-2023.
- Raja Rao PBV et al., “Waste Management Detection Using Deep Learning”. 2023 3rd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology. ICCIT-2023.
- Raja Rao PBV et al., “Fake News Detection using Cellular Automata Based Deep Learning”, 2023 3rd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology. ICCIT-2023.
- Raja Rao PBV et al., “ Creating a Protected Virtual Learning Space: A Comprehensive Strategy for Security and User Experience in Online Education”. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. LNICST 2024.
- Raja Rao PBV et al., “Drug Recommendations Using a Reviews and Sentiment Analysis by RNN”, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. LNICST 2024.
- Raja Rao PBV et al., “A CNN and TF Techniques Development for Efficient Identification of Floral Recognition”, IEEE powered 2024 5th International Conference on Computing, Power, and Communication Technologies (IC2PCT -24), Feb 9-10, 2024 at Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India.
- Raja Rao PBV et al., “An Efficient Cancer Detection Model using ML and Transfer Learning Techniques” in the IEEE powered International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques (ICDCOT 2024) organized by the SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India, 15 – 16, Mar 2024.
- Raja Rao PBV, et al., “Leveraging Machine Learning and Data Imaging for Vehicle Number Plate Recognition with CNPR System, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Smart Sensor, Signal Processing and Communication Technology (ICASSCT 2024) organized by the Electronics Programme, School of Physical and Applied Sciences, Goa University, Goa, India, 22 – 23, Mar 2024
- Raja Rao PBV, et al., “An Efficient Sentiment Classification Model using Fusion of BERT and Deep Learning RNN Variants.”, EAI 5th International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems (IC4S-2024), Organized By Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram (VITB), Andhra Pradesh, India on April 5-7, 2024.
- Raja Rao PBV, et al., “Auto Encoders with Cellular Automata for Anomaly Detection.”, EAI 5th International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems (IC4S-2024), Organized by Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram (VITB), Andhra Pradesh, India on April 5-7, 2024.
- Raja Rao PBV, et al., “Ensemble Fusion for Enhanced Malicious URL Detection by Integrating Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques”, EAI 5th International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems (IC4S-2024), Organized by Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram (VITB), Andhra Pradesh, India on April 5-7, 2024.
- Raja Rao PBV, et al., “Crime Detection using Variational Encoders”, EAI 5th International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems (IC4S-2024), Organized by Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram (VITB), Andhra Pradesh, India on April 5-7, 2024.
- Raja Rao PBV, et al., “Identification of Different Medical Plants using Machine Learning and Image Processing”, EAI 5th International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems (IC4S-2024), Organized By Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram (VITB), Andhra Pradesh, India on April 5-7, 2024.
- Raja Rao PBV et al., “Phishing Website Detection through Ensemble Machine Learning Techniques” 2024 2nd International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control (IC4), DOI: 10.1109/IC457434.2024.10486530
- Raja Rao PBV, et al., “Hate Speech Detection using RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks)”, EAI 5th International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems (IC4S-2024), Organized by Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram (VITB), Andhra Pradesh, India on April 5-7, 2024.
- Raja Rao PBV, et al., “Fake News Detection using ML algorithms”, EAI 5th International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems (IC4S-2024), Organized by Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram (VITB), Andhra Pradesh, India on April 5-7, 2024.
- Raja Rao PBV, et al., “Fake News Detection using ML algorithms”, EAI 5th International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems (IC4S-2024), Organized by Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram (VITB), Andhra Pradesh, India on April 5-7, 2024.
- Raja Rao PBV, et al., “Power Prediction in CCPP through ML Based Probabilistic Regression Model and Ensemble Techniques” International conference on Sustainable Power and Energy Research (ICSPER-2024), Organized by NIT- Warangal.
- Fundamentals of Deep Learning-Theory and applications
- Software Engineering
- Understanding Machine Learning Concepts
- Recent Advances in Cloud Computing
- A System and Apparatus for AI based Multifunction mixer grinder with automatic soaking and food ingredient preparation techniques, Indian patent application number as 202341065950, date of filing is 30/09/2023 and date of publication is 20/10/2023.
- A SYSTEM FOR SECURITY OF IOT DEVICES, application number as 202141032498 A, Date of filing of application :20/07/2021 and publication Date: 30/07/2021
- 1. Elite certification from NPTEL for “Introduction to Internet of Things” July-October 2018(12 Weeks).
- 2. Certification from NPTEL for “Cloud Computing” February-march 2018 (8 Weeks).
- 3. Certification from NPTEL for “Big Data Computing” February-April 2019 (8 Weeks).
- 4. Certification from NPTEL for “Cyber Security and Privacy” July-October 2023 (12 Weeks).
- FDP on “Cyber Security” Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity), GoI Organized by E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal. During 28th August to 6th Sept 2023 (10 Days).
- FDP on “Internet of Things (IoT)” from 25-04-2020 to 29-04-2020 at Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT Nagpur).
- One Week FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and machine Learning” Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity), GoI Organized by E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal. During 29th April to 4th May 2019.
- One Week FDP on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics” Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity), GoI Organized by E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal. During 6th August to 12th 2018.
- One Week FDP on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics” Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity), GoI Organized by E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal. During 30th October to 4th November 2017.
- Coordinated a one-day workshop on “Countering Cyber Attacks & Cyber Frauds” on 7th Sept, 2022 organized by the Department of CSE, SVECW, Bhimavaram in partnership with the DMC, JNTUK, Kakinada and the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team.
- Coordinated Paper Presentation Contest for CSE Students, SVECW, Bhimavaram from 16th & 17th Sept 2022.
- Coordinated a one-day workshop on Cyber Security Awareness Programme on “Preventive Measures and Reporting Mechanisms” on 14th Oct 22 organized by Department of CSE, SVECW, Bhimavaram in partnership with DMC, JNTUK, Kakinada and association with Koo & CERT-In.
- Coordinated 24-Hours Mobile Android Application Development Contest “APPATHON -22” for CSE Students, SVECW, Bhimavaram from 05 – 06, Nov 2022.
- Acted as a coordinator for One-week National Level online FDP On “Recent trends in Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security”, 01.11.2022 to 05.11.2022, at Department of CSE, SVECW, Bhimavaram.
- Acted as a coordinator for One Week National Level Online Faculty Development Program on “Societal Applications of Machine Learning” from 26-30, Dec 2022 at Department of CSE, SVECW, Bhimavaram.
- Acted as a coordinator for One Week National Level Online Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advances in Data Science, Data Analytics and Cyber Security”, 1-5, Mar 2023 at Department of CSE, SVECW, Bhimavaram.
- Coordinated 2 Days Boot Camp on “Android Application Development”, 17 -18 Mar, 23 and 24-Hours Mobile Android Application Development Contest “APPATHON -23” for CSE Students, SVECW, Bhimavaram from 01 – 02, April 2023.
- Acted as a coordinator for One Week National Level Online Faculty Development Program on “Societal Applications of Machine Learning” from 24-28, July 2023 at Department of CSE, SVECW, Bhimavaram.
- Coordinated an online Webinar on “Women in Software Industry: Leaders for a Sustainable Future” for CSE Students, SVECW, Bhimavaram on 05th Aug 2023.
- Coordinated 3 Days Hands-on Workshop on “Ethical Hacking”, for III CSE Students, SVECW, Bhimavaram from 24 – 26, August 2023 in collaboration with Spypro Security Solution Pvt. Ltd., Vijayawada.
- Coordinated 3 Days Hands-on Workshop on “Ethical Hacking & Information Security”, for II CSE & CS Students of SVECW, Bhimavaram from 31 Aug – 02 Sept 2023 & 07 Sept – 09 Sept, 2023 in collaboration with Spypro Security Solution Pvt. Ltd., Vijayawada.
- Coordinated 2 Days Hands-on Workshop on “Machine Learning with Python”, for II CSE & CS Students, SVECW, Bhimavaram from 02-03, November 2023 in collaboration with Purple IT Solutions, Vijayawada.
- International Journal of Wireless Security and Computer Networks
- Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science
- Acted as a Reviewer for International Conference on Social and Sustainable Innovations in Technology and Engineering SASI-ITE-2024, Organized by SITE, Tadepalligudem.
- Acted as a Reviewer for International Conference on Computing for Science, Engineering & Artificial Intelligence CSE Ai-2023, organized by LENDI Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vizianagaram.
- Acted as a Reviewer for International Conference on Algorithms and Computational Theory for Engineering and Applications ICACTEA-2024, Organized by ADITYA Engineering College, Surampalem.
- Acted as a Session Chair for International Conference on Algorithms and Computational Theory for Engineering and Applications ICACTEA-2024, Organized by ADITYA Engineering College, Surampalem.
- Acted as a Session chair for International Conference on Intelligent Healthcare and Computational Neural Modelling (ICIHCNM-2024) organized by Bonam Venkata Chalamayya Engineering College, Odalarevu.
- R & D Consultancy Coordinator
- M.Tech Project Coordinator
- III-Year Mini project Coordinator
- III- C Class In charge
- II- Student Consular
- IV- Student Mentor
- UG Level:
The recent publications and research contributions can be viewed from the following URLs: