Asst. Professor |
Years of Experience
Teaching: 22Years5Months
Research: —
Industry: 10 months
Areas of Specialization: Advanced Power Systems
Date of Joining: 03-05-2006
CN ID: thecn.com/BG540
DoctoralDegree | Pursuing | EEE–Advanced PowerSystems |
PGDegree | M.Tech. | ElectricalPowerSystems |
UGDegree | B.Tech. | ElectricalandElectronicsEngineering |
S.No | Duration | Designation | Institute | Experience |
1. | April 2008 to tilldate | Senior Assistant Professor, EEEDepartment | Shri Vishnu Engg College for Women,Bhimavaram | 16 yrs |
2. | May 2006 to April 2008 | Assistant Professor, EEEDepartment | Shri Vishnu Engg College for Women,Bhimavaram | 2 yrs |
3. | July 2004 to April 2006 | Assistant Professor, EEEDepartment | SaiSpurthi Institute of tech, Sathupalli | 2 yrs |
4. | April 2003 to June 2004 | Assistant Professor, EEEDepartment | Alfa Enggcollege,Nandyal | 1 yr |
5. | May 2002to March 2003 | R & D incharge | ArchanaPvtLtd.,Secunderabad | 1 yr |
- [1] Fundamental of Electrical Engineering, 2022, AKINIK Publications, Delhi.
- [1] Title of the invention: IoT and Machine Learning-based Navigation Device for Blind- The present disclosure generally relates to a navigation system designated for Blind People. Most importantly, navigating the blind to reach their destination effortlessly and precisely at 2021
- [2] Title of the invention: CLOUD BASED SMART SYSTEM FOR URBAN BUILDINGS dated 15/07/2022
International Journals:
- G Bharathi , P Kantarao& R Srinivasarao, “Fuzzy logic control FLC based coordination control of DC microgrid with energy storage system and hybrid distributed generation,IJAEbyTaylor and Francis publisher,Jan 2021, https://doi.org/10.1080/01430750.2021.1874526.
- Shankar,P.V.Murugan,C, Padmaja,V, Zaineb,A,Venkatesh V, Mohammed I.S & Bharathi G ,(2022). Reliability Enhancement and Low Leakage in Radial Distribution Systems Using Big Bang Crunch (BBC) Optimization Algorithm. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 10(4), 01–06.
- Lakshmi madhuri&G.Bharathi, ” PI Controller Based Grid Connected PV Arrays”,IJRSR-Vol.8,Issue 11, pp:21522-21529,NOV 2017.
- G.Bharathi&Y.T.R.Palleaswari” A New Non-Isolated Boost Converter Using Voltage Multiplier Cells”,IJIR,Vol-3,Issue-6,2017,ISSN:2454-1362.
- G.Bharathi,SriSneha&SatyaVishala,’ Prototype of Traction Module with Sensor Alert and Alram system” vol-2,Issue-4,July-August 2017 at IJESTR.
- G.Bharathi&G.Jenny“ Voltage Regulation using DVR with BESS in distribution Systems “ in SSIJMR,Vol.2,Issue.6 , Oct2015.
- G.Bharathi&V.S.VijayaDurga, “Conversion of Multi Inputs to Multi Outputs Using Switched Capacitor “, in IJEEER, vol-3 Issue-4, Oct 2013.
- G.Bharathi&T.Lova Lakshmi, “Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Using PI and DSP”, in IJEIA, Vol-1, Issue-2, Sep 2013.
- G.Bharathi&B.Pragati,” Control of Shunt Active Filter Based On Instantaneous Power Theory” in IJERT, Vol-1, Issue-6, August-2012.
International Conferences:
- G Bharathi , P Kantarao& R Srinivasarao, “Control and Optimization of DC Microgrid Power Management with Energy Storage Devices and Photovoltaic System”, IEEE XPlore,2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICECA52323.2021.9676160 .
- G.Bharathi , “Voltage and Power flow control of HVDC bridges for Power Transmission Systems” SCRTEE-2012 Feb 24-25 held at GITM UNIVERSITY-Vizag.
- T.Lova Lakshmi &G.Bharathi, “Implementation of DSP controller for the speed control of BLDC motor” SCRTEE-2012 Feb 24-25 held at GITM UNIVERSITY-Vizag.
- G.Bharathi&T.shamili, “Closed loop control of buck converter fed PMBLDC motor” SCRTEE-2012 Feb 24-25 held at GITM UNIVERSITY-Vizag.
- G.Bharathi&K.Yamini, “Single phase AC-DC-AC converter using ZVS PWM strategy and ZVS for BLDC motor” SCRTEE-2012 Feb 24-25 held at GITM UNIVERSITY-Vizag.
- G.Bharathi,”An Improvement of Transient Current Response of load transformer for Voltage sag” Taj Deccan, Hyderabad 20 Jan 2012.
- K.Vara Lakshmi &G.Bharathi, “Improvement of Voltage Stability by FACTS devices using Genetic Algorithm”,ICNEAC-2011 organized by IACQER SCET, Vol no.3 Page no.481
- M.shanthipriya&G.Bharathi,”Mitigation Technique of load transformer for the series Voltage sag compensator” organized by IETE, Bangalore.
- G.Bharathi&N.Beulah John, “static voltage stability using FACTS controllers”, held on 8 may CSCT-2010.
- G.Bharathi,”A Proposed Control Scheme of Interleaved converter for PV system”ICDER-2015,Vijayawada.
National Conferences:
- G.Bharathi , “ role of power electronic devices in HVDC systems for fault mitigation and harmonic stability at RAPIDEET-2016, during 24th& 25th October 2016,BVRIT,Narsapur.
- G.Bharathi,” Voltage Regulation using DVR with BESS in distribution Systems”ICDER-2015,Vijayawada
- G.Bharathi, “Minimizing leakage current in PV grid systems by using inverter schemes” national conference in CONCON-2014, November at Andhra University, VSP.
- G.Bharathi,” Power Factor Correction Using Compensating Device”, in ETE_2014 during 7th-8th Feb 2014
- ISTE – Life member – LM 53966
- MIE– M-1581451
- Traction Module with Sensor Alert and Alarm System with two motors.
- Micro Wind Renewable Systems (12V).
- Received certificate of Achievement “International Conference on Recent Developments in Engineering Research” organized by IIRDEM on 18th October 2015.
- Received certificate of Achievement “International Conference on Recent Developments in Engineering Research” organized by IAETSD on 6th September 2015.
- Received “Certificate of Merit” regarding paper presentation on “Voltage and Power Flow control of HVDC bridges for Power Transmission systems” held at SCRTEE-2012 GITM University.
- Received “Certificate of Merit” regarding paper presentation on “Implementation of DSP Controller for speed control of BLDC motor” held at SCRTEE-2012 GITM University.
- Coordinator for one week Faculty Development Proframme on CDGGI-2016 during 22nd- 27th Aug2016 under TEQIP.
- One week FDP on “AI enabled AR/VR in communications & signal processing application”,3rd to 7th October 2023.
- ATAL academy online FDP workshop organized on “Moral values, attitude and workplace behavior” from 27thjuly 21 to 31stjuly 21.
- ATAL academy online FDP workshop organized on “Role of renewable energy systems in power systems “from 5thjuly to 9thjuly 21.
- ATAL academy online FDP workshop organized on “Recent trends in power system operation and control” from 12thjuly 21 to 16thjuly 21.
- A five day FDP on Advances in power switching converters for Renewable And Fuel Cell Technology for E-vechicles from 01-06-2020 to 05-06-2020 organized by Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla.
- A National level five day FDP on Electrical grid modernization trends, Challenges and opportunities from 09-06-2020 to 13-06-2020 organized by KKR & KSR Institute of Technology, Guntur.
- One week online FDP on Research challenges and Opportunities Post Covid-19 (RECOP-20) from 04-05-2020 to 09-05-2020 organized by Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Tadepalligudem.
- A five day FDP on Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering from 8-06-2020 to 12-06-2020 organized by Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram.
- Attended self-financed short term course on “Renewable Energy System and Power Quality” organized by Electrical Engineering Department, VNIT, Nagpur during 29th Aug to 2nd Sep 2016.
- Recent advances in Electrical engineering during 9-10 Feb 2015 organized by Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram.
- International workshop on Advanced in Renewable Energy Technology organized by IIT Madras, during 9-10 December 2014
- The two – day FDP on Replication of Electromagnetic Fields Using ANSOFT during 21st-22nd Feb2014.
- A three day workshop on “Recent Trends in Renewable Energy Sources and Grid Integration Issues” during 26th-28th Dec2013.
- A three-day National Workshop on Computer Application in Power Systems” – CAPS- 2012,21-23 Feb 2012.
- 15. Student Counseling and career guidance” conducting by NITTTR during June 20-21, 2008 at SVECW, Bhimavaram.
- 16. Staff Development Program me on “Recent Advance in Power Electronics for Power Quality improvement” during 8-14 June, 2009 at SVECW, Bhimavaram.
- A Two Day Seminar on “Reactive Power Compensation using DSTATCOM” organized by the EEE department during 27-28 march,2010.
- A National Workshop on “Recent Advancement in Modeling and Simulation of Control Systems” organized by EEE department during 8-10 February 2007.
- A Short Term course on “Power System Optimization Techniques in the presence of FACTS devices” organized by EEE department during 8-10 February 2007.
- A One- Day Orientation Program me on “IT in power systems” Organized by Centre for Energy at Aurora’s Engineering College on 25 February, 2005.
- An online FDP on “MATLAB and Simulink Engineering Education” organized by APSSDC from 10-06-2020 to 11-06-2020.
- One day Workshop on Role of Energy storage and plug-in Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid: Challenges & opportunities organized by Audisankara Engineering College, Gudur on 30-05-20
- A three day FDP on FACTS and its Applications from 19-05-2020 to 21-05-2020 organized by International School of Technology and Sciences, Rajamahendravaram.
- An online FDP Program on “IPR Awareness” organized by KEYWAY research, Hyderabad on 13-5-2020.
- An online FDP Program on “Overview on Electrical Safety and Instrumentation” organized by Miracle Education Society, Vizianagaram on 23-5-2020.
- A three day FDP on Webinar on Multilevel Inverters And Modulation Techniques from18-05-2020 to 20-05-2020 organized by International School of Technology and Sciences, Rajamahendravaram.
- An Online Faculty Program on NBA organized by BharatiVidyaPeeth College of Engineering, Mumbai, on 11-5-2020.
- Introduction to programming with matlab conducted Vanderbilt University on 27/08/21
- Applied Machine Learning in Python offered by coursera authorized by University of Michigan on 27th Aug21.
- Electric Vehicles and Mobility by Ecole des ponts through coursera on 31st Aug21.
- Successfully completed “Solar Energy Basic” an online coursera authorized by The State University of New York and offered through Coursera on 2/5/2020
- “AI for everyone” an online course authorized by deeplearning.ai and offered through coursera on 19/4/2020.
- A course on Electrical Power systems authorized by University at Buffalo and The State University of New York and offered through Coursera 25/4/2020
- A course on Synapses, Neurons and brains authorized by Hebrew University of Jerusalem and offered through Coursera 13/5/2020.
- A course on Programming for everybody (getting started with phython) authorized by University of Michigan and offered through Coursera 19/5/2020.
- A course on Introduction to Psychology authorized by Yale University and offered through Coursera 09-06-2020.
- Elearning programing on Power system Earthing during 26thjuly 20 authorized by TATA STEEL.
- Elearning programing on Transformer during 26th April 20 authorized by TATA STEEL.
- Elearning programing on Power system transmission and distribution during 2nd May 20 authorized by TATA STEEL.
- Elearning programing on PLCs during 2nd May 20 authorized by TATA STEEL.
- Elearning programing on Induction Motor during 2nd May 20 authorized by TATA STEEL.
- Elearning programing on Cable 2nd May 20 authorized by TATA STEEL.
- Elearning programing on Power system Protection during 2nd May 20 authorized by TATA STEEL.