Professor |
Ph.D.: from Acharya Nagarjuna University, 2013
M.Phil.: from JNTU-Hyderabad, 2007
MSc: from Andhra University, 1997
Employee ID: 747
Teaching Experience: 25 years
- Life Member of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Society for Mathematical Sciences, Life member: LM APMS: 381 (Mathematics)
- International Association of Engineers (IAENG): Hong Kong, Hong Kong, IN , Life member: No: 168767 (Physical Sciences)
- Institute for Engineering Research and Publication Life Time – PM83290654
- Wrapped Length Biased Exponential Distribution, Thailand Statistician, Vol.22 (3), 2024, pp:688-700,(Scopus, Web of Science).
- New Circular Distribution with an Application to Biology, Cumhuriyet Science Journal, Vol.45 (2), 2024, pp: 194-200. https://doi.org/10.17776/csj.1316115, (Web of Science).
- On Common Coupled Fixed Point for ψ-Contractive in Partially Ordered Bipolar-Metric Spaces Using Compatible Mappings, IMPENDING INQUISITIONS IN HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES, ICIIHS-2022, 2024,pp: 355-363, T&F(ARC), DOI:1201/9781003489436-53. CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS, (Scopus, Web of Science).
- Some Existence of Unique Fixed Solutions in Partially Ordered Sb-Metric Spaces, IMPENDING INQUISITIONS IN HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES, ICIIHS-2022, 2024,pp: 370-377, T&F(ARC), DOI:10.1201/9781003489436-55. CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS ,(Scopus, Web of Science).
- A Unique Common Coupled Fixed Point Theorem for Rational Contraction in Partial-b-Metric Spaces, IMPENDING INQUISITIONS IN HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES, ICIIHS-2022, 2024,pp: 389-395, T&F(ARC), DOI:10.1201/9781003489436-57. CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS, (Scopus, Web of Science).
- C-Class Function and 3-Tupled Unique Common Fixed Point Result in Partial Metric Spaces, IMPENDING INQUISITIONS IN HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES, ICIIHS-2022, 2024,pp: 399-409, T&F(ARC), DOI
10.1201/9781003489436-59. CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS, (Scopus, Web of Science). - On Stereographic Semicircular Erlang Distribution with Application, Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, doi:10.24874/PES.SI.24.03.016. 2024,(Scopus, Web of Science).
- Toward Enhanced Geological Analysis: A novel Approach Based on Transmuted Semicircular Distribution, “Symmetry”, doi: 10.3390/sym15112030 ,Vol.15 (11), pp.1-18, 2023, (SCIE).
- Geometry in A-Metric Space, “Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics”, Vol.47 (6), pp. 845-853, 2023, (Web of Science).
- Representable Autometrized Algebra and MV Algebra, “Thai Journal of Mathematics”, Vol.20 (2), pp.937-943, 2022, (Scopus, Web of Science).
- Wrapped l-axial Marshall-Olkin Logistic Distribution, “Dickensian Journal”, Vol.22, pp.627-633, 2022.
- Marshall-Olkin Stereographic Circular Logistic distribution, “YMER Digital”, Vol.21, pp.664-668, 2022, doi.org/10.37896/ymer21.06/66. (Scopus).
- Representable Autometrized Semi algebra, “Thai Journal of Mathematics”, Vol.19 (4), pp.1267-1272, 2021, (Scopus, Web of Science).
- A new family of Semicircular and Circular arc tan-exponential type distributions, “Thai Journal of Mathematics”, Vol.18 (2), pp.277-281, 2020, (Scopus, Web of Science).
- A Note on Representable Autometrized Algebras, “Thai Journal of Mathematics”, Vol.17 (1), pp.277-281, 2019, (Scopus, Web of Science).
- On Semicircular Extreme-Value distribution, “International Journal of Applied Engineering Research”, Vol.14 (9), pp.2182-2187, 2019.
- On Stereographic Semicircular Quasi Lindley Distribution, “Journal of New Results in Science (JNRS)”, Vol.8 (1), pp.6-13. 2019, (UGC CARE).
- Metric Spaces with Distances in Representable Autometrized Algebras, “Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics”, Vol.42 (3), pp. 543-462, 2018, (Web of Science).
- Semicircular Logistic Distribution induced by Simple Projection Method, “Mathematical Theory and Modeling”, Vol.8 (5), pp.30-41, 2018.
- Stereographic l-axial Half Logistic Distribution, “International Journal of Applied Engineering Research”, Vol.13 (12), pp. 10627-10634, 2018.
- Stereographic l-axial Reflected Log-logistic Distribution, “International Journal of Mathematical Archive”, 9(7), 134-141, 2018.
- On l-Axial Chi-Square Distribution, “i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics”, Vol.6 (4), pp.51-58, 2017, doi.org/10.26634/jmat.6.4.13865.
- On Trigonometric Moments of the Stereographic Semicircular Gamma Distribution, “European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (EJPAM)”, Vol.10 (5), pp.1124-1134, 2017, (Scopus, Web of Science).
- Stereographic Semicircular Half Logistic Distribution, “International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM)”, Vol.113 (11), pp.142-150, 2017.
- Suzuki type unique common fixed point theorem in partial metric spaces using (C)-condition, “Mathematical Sciences”, Vol.11, pp.39-45, 2016, ( Web of Science).
- New Semicircular Model: The Stereographic Semicircular Rayleigh Distribution, International Journal of Computational Science, Mathematics and Engineering (IJCSME), Vol.1, pp. 2349-8439, 2016.
- On Stereographic Circular Weibull Distribution, “Journal of New Theory”, Vol.1 (14), pp.1-09, 2016.
- Stereographic Logistic Model-Application to Noisy Scrub Birds Data, “Chilean Journal of Statistics”, Vol.7 (2), pp.69-79, 2016, (Web of Science).
- The Semicircular Reflected Gamma Distribution, “i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics”, Vol.5 (1), pp.39-46, 2016, doi.org/10.26634/JMAT.5.1.4870.
- L-Axial Wrapped Exponential Distribution, “International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR)”, 2015.
- Stereographic-l-axial Exponential and Stereographic Circular exponential Distribution, “International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR)”, 2015.
- Stereographic Circular model induced by Inverse Stereographic Project on double Weibull Distribution with Application, “International Journal of Soft Computing, Mathematics and Control”, Vol.4(1), pp.67-74,2015, doi : 10.14810/ijscmc.2015.4106.
- New Circular Models induced by modified inverse Stereographic Projection on Arc tan Exponential-Type distribution, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Informatics,Vol.10(1),pp.5-17,2014, doi.org/10.2478/jamsi-2014-0001, (Web of Science).
- On Stereographic Semicircular Gamma Model, “National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Computing”, NCRTMC. ISBN 978-93-82338-68-0, 2014.
- Order Topology and Uniformity on A-Metric Space, “International Research Journal of Pure Algebra” Vol.4 (4), pp.488-494, 2014.
- Stereographic Circular Normal Moment Distribution, “Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ)”, Vol.1 (3), pp.65-72, 2014.
- New Circular model induced by inverse Stereographic projection on Double Exponential model-Application to Birds Migration Data, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Informatics,Vol.10(1),pp.5-17,2014, doi.org/10.2478/jamsi-2014-0001, (Web of Science).
- On Construction of Stereographic Semicircular models, “Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics”, Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, Vol.8 (1), pp.75-90, 2013, (Scopus, Web of Science).
- On Stereographic Lognormal Distribution, “International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS)”, Vol. 2, (3), pp. 125-132, 2013, doi.org/10.11591/ijaas.v2.i3.
- Arc Tan- Exponential Type Distribution Induced by Stereographic Projection / Bilinear Transformation on Modified Wrapped Exponential Distribution, “Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Informatics, Vol.9 (1), pp.69-74, 2013, (Web of Science).
- Circular model induced by inverse Stereographic Projection on Extreme Value Distribution. IRACST-Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), Vol.2 (5), pp. 881-888, 2012.
- Modeling Ants Data Using Stereographic Reflected Gamma Distribution, “ANU Journal of Physical Sciences”, 2012.
- Differential Approach to Cardioid Distribution, “Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems”, Vol.2 (8), pp.1-6, 2011.
- On Stereographic Logistic Model, Proceedings of NCAMES, ISBN: 978-81-909853-0-7, A.U Engineering College, Visakhapatnam, Conference paper, 2011.
International/National conferences
- Presented a paper on “The Semicircular Logistic Distribution”, at International conference on Statistics & Information Technology for Growing Nation, XXXIV Annual convection of Indian Society for Probability & Statistics(ISPS),organized by Department of Statistics , Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi, A.P., 30th Nov.-2nd Dec.2014.
- Presented a paper on “l-axial wrapped exponential Distribution”, at International conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICMS-2015), organized by Department of Mathematics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi, A.P., 13th – 15th July.2015.
- Presented a paper on “On Stereographic Circular Weibull”, at International conference on Computational, Mathematical, and Biological Modeling, organized by Department of Computer Science, Applied Mathematics & Sericulture, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s University), Tirupathi, 25th -26th March 2016.
- Presented a paper entitled “On semicircular Stereographic Erlang distribution with Application” in the First International Conference on Recent advances in Applied Sciences and Engineering(ICRAAE-2023) organized by Department of Basic Science held on 22nd -23rd December2023 at Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women(A), Bhimavaram, AP.
- Presented a paper entitled “Semicircular Topp-Leone Burr-XII distribution with Application” in the International Conference on Emerging trends in computational Mathematics and Data Science-2024, organized by department of Mathematics, Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Tamil Naidu.
National Conference-Paper presentation
- Presented a paper on “On Stereographic Logistic Model” at the National Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering Sciences (NCAMES-2011), organized by department of Engineering Mathematics, AU College of Engineering (A), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, 29th -30th June, 2011.
- Presented a paper on “Relative Performance of Circular models in fitting movements of hundred ants Data”, at National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematical Sciences & Engineering Applications (ETMSEA-2014), organized by Department of Mathematics, University College of Engineering, JNTU, Kakinada, 23rd -24th , May 2014.
- Presented a paper on “Trigonometric moments of Semicircular logistic distribution”, at National Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences (AIMS-2015), organized by department of Mathematics & Statistics, K.B.N. College, Vijayawada, AP. 23rd Dec.2015.
- Presented a paper on “Stereographic Semicircular Half Logistic Distribution”, at National Conference on Mathematical techniques and their Applications (NCMTA-2017), organized at SRM University, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, 27th-28th January 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Stereographic Semicircular Quasi Lindley Distribution”, at National Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (NCRAPAM-2017), organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam(Women’s University), Tirupathi, 6th-7th March 2017.
- Two week Interdisciplinary Course entitled “Recent Advances in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science” organized by Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC), Central University of South Bihar, 14th to 26th Oct.2024.
- A Five day International Online FDP on ‘Applications of Mathematics in Various Fields with Innovative Approaches’ (AMVFIA-23),Bapatla, 21st -25th November, 2023.
- 5-Day International Workshop on Recent Advances in Differential Equations and Applicationa(IWRADEA), 27th -31st October 2023.
- Participated in two day seminar on Quality Initiatives on effective pedagogical methods to obtain expected outcome sponsored by NAAC and organized by IQAC of Dadi institute of engineering & amp; technology at DIET campus, Anakapalli during 11th -12th to August,2023
- Participated in the Five day interdisciplinary online FDP of Institutional initiatives for effective assessment and accreditation in the context of NEP-2020on August 7th-11th,2023 organized at S.S& N college , Narasaraopet.in collaboration with APCCE
- Participated in the FDP of develop skill panorama on research methodology based data analysis using r on August 21st-27th2023
- Participated in Five –Day –Online Short Term Course on Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Deep Learning applications Organized by NIT-Warangal & amp; VJIT-Hyderabad,10th -14 thOctober, 2023
- Participated in Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms, Organized by Department of CSE,NITWarangal 19th -29th , October,2023
- Participated in FDP on Deep Learning-One Week FDP conducted by NITTTR-Chandigarh11th -15th Sep,2023
- Participated in Institutional Initiatives for Effective Assessment and Accreditation in the context of NEP-2020(ONLINE) August 7th-11th,2023
- Participated in Develop Skill Panorama on Research Methodology Based Data Analysis Using R (online) August 21st-27th, 2023.
- One Week International Faculty Development Programme on “Innovative Mathematical Techniques in Research” conducted by the department of Mathematics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, 1-6th August, 2022.
- One week online International Faculty Development Programme on “The role of Linear Algebra in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence & Data Science ”, organized by the Department of Mathematics and Humanities, Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology, MGIT, Hyderabad, 21st -26th, Nov.2022.
- Successfully completed online two-week REFRESHER COURSE in “STATISTICS” from 30 November – 14 December, 2023 and obtained Grade A+, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING, Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.
- NPTEL Course, Discrete Mathematics, 12 Weeks
- NPTEL Course, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 12 Weeks
- NPTEL Course, Foundations of R Software, 12 Weeks
- Coursera Course, Introduction to Calculus
- Coursers Course, Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate Calculus
- Coursera Course, Matrix Algebra for Engineers
- Coursera Course, Vector Calculus for Engineers
- Coursera Course, Introduction to Graph Theory
- Coursera Course, Mathematical Thinking in Computer Science.
- As Additional Controller of Examinations
- Best Academician Award:
Sahasra Research Foundation- India, in association with Society for Learning Technologies, India
- APSET Qualified
- Scopus id :
http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=55695715100 - WOS id (Researcher id) :
http://www.researcherid.com/rid/Q-2920-2016 - ORCID id:
http://www.orcid.org/0000-0002-3402-8920 - Google Scholar id:
http://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=qhPyY5sAAAAJ - Vidwan-ID:149672
https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/149672 - Sciprofile: