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Academics > Departments

Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

Dr. P. Srikanth

Associate Professor |

Teaching Experience: 11 yrs
Mobile number: 7731879996

SVCEW Emp ID: 567
AICTE Unique ID: 1-2642703039

  • Networks,
  • ML
Degree Organization/Institution Specialization Year of Passing
Ph.D. AUCE(A), Andhra University Internet of Things 2022
M.Tech Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem CSE 2013
B.Tech Sri Vasavi Engineering College CSE 2010
  • Life Member CSE, ISTE, IEI

Journal Publications in National/International Conferences:

  • Pala, Srikanth & Rani, T. (2013). Optimistic Query Refresh. 4.
  • P. Srikanth, Prof. S. Pallam Shetty, “A Review on RPL for Low Power Lossy Networks”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 6 Issue 3, pp. 284-288, May-June 2020. Available at doi : (UGC)
  • P. Srikanth, S.Pallam Shetty, K.Venkata Krishna R, “Taguchi Design of Experiments To Identify The Most Significant Factor To Enhance The Performance of RPL Routing Protocol Using Cooja Simulator For IOT Environment”, ‘International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)’ Volume – 10 issue – 10 August 2021, Available at (UGC)
  • P.Srikanth, S.Pallam Shetty “Investigate the impact of ICMP on the performance of RPL routing protocol for IOT” was published in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) Volume 05, Issue 08 Aug 2021.(UGC)
  • P Srikanth, Prof S Pallam Shetty, Venkata Krishna Rao K, “Fuzzy Based ICMP-RPL for IOT in enhancing the Performance and Network Life” Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021: 7625 – 7633 (Scopus)
  • P Srikanth, Prof S Pallam Shetty, Venkata Krishna Rao K, “ ANFIS Based ICMP-RPL for IOT in enhancing the performance and Network Lifetime” Design Engineering (Toronto), ISSN No: 0011-9342, Issue: 8, Year 2021 , Pages: 1726- 1737 (Scopus)
  • P Srikanth, Prof S Pallam Shetty, Venkata Krishna Rao K “ Analysing the impact of ICMP on the performance of RPL Routing Protocol for IoT” , “International Journal of Mechanical Engineering” Vol. 6 (Special Issue, Nov.-Dec. 2021) ISSN: 0974-5823 Pages:1194-1199(Scopus)
  • Katakamsetty, V.R., Rajani, D. and Srikanth, P. (2023). A study on community detection in multilayer networks. Journal of High Speed Networks, [online] 29(3), pp.197–209. doi:
  • Qualified SET-2018
  • Internet of Things,
  • Industrial Internet of Things,
  • Introduction to Research.
  • CCNA Instructor Training by CISCO Network Academy
  • UG Level:
    C Programing, Computer Organization & Architecture, Information security, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics, Machine Learning, Computer Networks, Java Programing, e-commerce, Social networks and semantic web, Theory of Computing.
  • PG Level:
    Computer organisation, Information Security, Mobile Computing, Discrete Mathematics, Software Project Management

The recent publications and research contributions can be viewed from the following URLs:

Profile Link
Google Scholar
Research Gate