Academics > Departments

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Program Educational Objectives

The PEOs are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing its graduates to achieve in 2 years subsequent to receiving the degree. The PEOs of the MBA program are as follows:
The SVECW graduates after successful completion of their MBA Program will be able:

  • PEO1: To develop themselves as successful management professionals with a sound business and entrepreneurial acumen facilitating a promising career in the various management domains.
  • PEO 2: To develop the professional competence for astute decision making, organizational skills, planning and its efficient implementation, research, data analysis and interpretation and a solution finding approach.
  • PEO 3: To be known for their team player qualities to handle diversity and the leadership skills to make sound decisions while working with peers in an inter-disciplinary environment with people of cross-cultural attributes.
  • PEO 4: To be adaptable to new technology, innovations and changes in world economy through lifelong learning and a flexible mindset.
  • PEO 5: To be responsible citizens with flawless ethical conduct that will empower the business organizations with their high integrity, moral values, social effectiveness and legal business intelligence.

Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes (POs) are attributes of the graduates of the program that are indicative of the graduates’ ability and competence to work as women management professional upon graduation. Program Outcomes are statements that describe what students are expected to know or be able to do by the time of graduation. They must relate to knowledge and skills that they acquire from the program. The achievement of all outcomes indicates that the student is well prepared to achieve the program educational objectives down the road. The following 6 POs have been chosen by the MBA Department of SVECW.

  • PO 1: Apply knowledge of management theories and practice to solve business problems.
  • PO 2: Foster Analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision making.
  • PO 3: Develop value based leadership ability.
  • PO 4: Understand, analyze and communicate global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business.
  • PO 5: Lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing effectively to a team environment.
  • PO 6: Develop innovative and entrepreneurial mindset.

Program Specific Objectives

The MBA Program at SVECW is specifically aimed at:

  • PSO 1: Developing skills among graduates through hands-on learning methods essential to successfully manage and lead businesses across the globe.
  • PSO 2: Providing opportunities to students for competing in corporate world characterized by diversity, rapid technological development, and a fiercely competitive marketplace.