Professor |
Ph.D: Power Electronics, Karunya University, 2017
P.G (M.Tech): Power Electronics, VIT University, 2008
U.G (B. Tech): Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Pondicherry University, 2006
Teaching Experience: 16 Y
Research Experience: 8 Y
Industry Experience: 1.4 Y
JNTUK Registration ID: —
AICTE Registration ID: 1-2379813184
- Multilevel Inverters,
- Machine Learning
- Best Paper Award
- Granted a Indian Design Patent Titled “ An IOT Garbage Segregator & Bin Level Indicator Device”, with Application number 399499-001
- Published a Patent Titled “Implementation of identification system using Multilevel Converters for active filters”, with Application number 202341021299
- Published a Patent Titled “Smart Grids for localizing abnormal Conditions detection system and method”, with Application number 202341014287
- Completed R&D Project as PI titled “A Comprehensive Performance Analysis on Multicarrier PWM Based Hybrid Multilevel Inverter” under RPS Scheme, AQIS- AICTE with reference number 1-4136736086
Role: Designing and testing the performance of the Converter using various PWM techniques under different loads. - Completed R&D Project as Co-PI titled “Photovoltaic based Pumping system using multi-level inverter” for DST 2016, Ref No: 242016000523
Role: Designing the low cost high efficient Multilevel Inverter to feed the Induction motor for water pumping system.
- Durga Prasad et. Al. (2024)., A First-Time Study On Long-Term Performance Analysis Of Photovoltaic (PV) Plants at Bhimavaram (Latitude-16.540 N, Longitude-81.520 E, Msl 7 M), India, Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 2024, 6(4), pp. 1771–1780, (Scopus Indexed)
- Durga Prasad G et. al. (2024)., An Analysis of power system fault Classifier using neural network, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 100 NR 7/2024, doi:10.15199/48.2024.07.20, (Scopus Indexed, ESCI)
- Durga Prasad G et. al. (2024)., Adaptive Solar Power Generation Forecasting using Enhanced Hybrid Function Networks with Weather Modulation, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, Volume 14, Issue 2, June 2024, Pages 275-292, 10.20508/ijrer.v14i2.14551.g8904, (Scopus Indexed, ESCI)
- Durga Prasad G et. al. (2024). Enhancing MANET security: A watch dog routing algorithm approach for intruder and black hole attack detection. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 61-67. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijcmem.120107 (Scopus Indexed, ESCI)
Durga Prasad G et. al. (2024), “Enhancing Electrical Power Demand Prediction Using LSTM-Based Deep Learning Models for Local Energy Communities.” Electric Power Components and Systems, (2024), 1–18. doi:10.1080/15325008.2024.2316246. (Scopus Indexed, SCIE) - Durga Prasad G et. al. (2023). Effect of junction temperature on system level reliability of Grid connected PV inverter. Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 248-256. https://doi.org/10.14447/jnmes.v26i4.a03
- Durga Prasad G et. al., Implementation of Integer Factor based Space Vector PWM through Digital Approach for Grid Connected Multilevel Inverters, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, Vol.12, No.1, March, 2022
- Durga Prasad G et. al., “Minimization of Power Loss in Newfangled Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter using In-Phase Disposition PWM and Wavelet Transform Based Fault Diagnosis”, Ain Sham Engineering Journal Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. , Volume 9, Issue 4, December 2018, Pages 1381-1396 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2016.09.008
- Durga Prasad G, “Teaching and Assessment of Course Outcomes in Switching Theory and Logic Design Course: A Case Study”, Assessment Tools for Mapping Learning Outcomes with Learning Objectives, ISBN13: 9781799847847, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4784-7, Sep. 2020.
- Durga Prasad G, “Technology in Engineering Pedagogy to Progress the Excellence of Teaching: Teaching Learning Process”, in Methodologies and Outcomes of Engineering and Technological Pedagogy, IGI Global Publishers, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2245-5, March 2020.
- Durga Prasad G, “Performance of the Multicarrier Sinusoidal PWM based Multilevel Inverter with reduced power loss and fault diagnosis using Wavelets Transformation: Hybrid Multilevel inverter”, Handbook of Research on Power and Energy System Optimization, ISBN13: 9781522539353, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3935-3, Feb. 2018
Durga Prasad G et. Al, “ A Comparative Analysis of Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, and Random Forest for Phishing Website Identification”, 2024 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Green and Sustainable Technologies, ICCIGST 2024 – Proceedings, 2024(Scopus Indexed)
Durga Prasad G et. al, “Comparative Study of Deep Learning Techniques for Detecting Tomato Plant Leaf Diseases Using Transfer Learning,” 2024 International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques (ICDCOT), Bengaluru, India, 2024, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICDCOT61034.2024.10516123. (Scopus Indexed)
Durga Prasad G et. al, Comprehensive Analysis and Performance Investigation of Non-Isolated DC-DC Converters in Solar Photovoltaic Applications, 2024 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Green and Sustainable Technologies, ICCIGST 2024 – Proceedings, 2024 (Scopus Indexed)
Durga Prasad G et. al, Modified Firefly Algorithm with Quasi-Oppositional Initialization for Selective Harmonic Elimination in Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter, “ 2024 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Green and Sustainable Technologies, ICCIGST 2024 – Proceedings, 2024” (Scopus Indexed)
Durga Prasad G et. Al, Trash and Recycled Material Classification Revolutionized with Advanced Transfer Learning with Pre-trained Models, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Networks, Multimedia and Information Technology, NMITCON 2024, (Scopus Indexed)
Durga Prasad G et. Al, Comparative Analysis of Regression Algorithms in Solar Power Production Forecasting, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Networks, Multimedia and Information Technology, NMITCON 2024, (Scopus Indexed)
- Durga Prasad G et. al.,, “Performance Analysis of Pre-Trained Deep Learning Architectures for Classification of Corn Leaf Diseases,” 2023 International Conference on Network, Multimedia and Information Technology (NMITCON), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/NMITCON58196.2023.10275915.
- Durga Prasad Garapati, “Absolute Sinewave Based Modulation Technique for Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverter for better Total Harmonic Distortion”, 2023 International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), 29-30 April 2023, 10.1109/ICDCECE57866.2023.10151320
- Durga Prasad Garapati, “ Multilevel Inverter Fed 1-Φ Asynchronous Motor Based Water Pumping System”, IEEE – International Conference on Computing, Communication and Power Technology (IC3P-2022) 7th & 8th JAN., 2022.
- Durga Prasad G et. al., “ Fish Feeding Boat using BLDC Motor for Aqua Applications”, IEEE – International Conference on Computing, Communication and Power Technology (IC3P-2022) 7th & 8th JAN., 2022.
- Durga Prasad G et. al. “ SHE-PWM Low Cost Multi Level Inverter For PV Based Water Pumping Applications” 1st Internal Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation, in Engineering (AMSE 2021), during 15th to 16th September 2021, organized by Stanely college fo Engineering and Technology.
- Durga Prasad G et. al., “ Service Restoration in Distribution System Using Breadth-First Search Technique”, 2021 7th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES), organized by SSN College of Engineering, during Feb 11th to 13th 2021, DOI: 10.1109/ICEES51510.2021.9383670, (Scopus Indexed)
- Durga Prasad G et. al., Experimental Validation for A Nine-Switched 3-phase Multilevel Inverter (MLI) with a Photovoltaic (PV) Source of Array Journal of Physics: Conference Seriesthis link is disabled, 2021, 2089(1), 012021
- Durga Prasad G et. al., “Parameter Sensitivity Analysis for 3-Φ Synchronous Reluctance Motor: A Critical Evaluation”, 2021 XVIII International Scientific Technical Conference Alternating Current Electric Drives (ACED) Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 24 – 27 May 2021.
- Durga Prasad G et. al., “Performance Analysis of Multi-level Inverter Using Phase Disposition with various Carrier Signal Arrangements”, International Conference on Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation and Control (iCASIC 2020), organized by VIT (Deemed to be University), during 27th- 28th Feb 2020.
- Durga Prasad G et. al., “Newfangled Multilevel Inverter fed V/f Controlled Induction Motor Drive with Multicarrier PWM Strategy”, 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics held at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, Rajasthan, India from 13th to 15th December,2018. DOI: 978-1-5386-4996-1/18
- Durga Prasad G et. al., “Fault Diagnosis of the Newfangled Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter”, 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics held at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, Rajasthan, India from 13th to 15th December,2018. DOI: 978-1-5386-4996-1/18.
- Durga Prasad G et. al., “Performance Analysis of cascaded Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switched Topology”, 8th IEEE Power India International Conference, Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Kurukshetra, during 10-12 December,2018. DOI:978-1-5386-7339-3/18
- Durga Prasad G et. al., “State Estimation for Wound Rotor Induction Motor using Discrete-time Extended Kalman Filter”, IEEE international conference on Power, Instrumentation, Computing and Control, organized by govt. Engineering College, Trichur during 18-20 january 2018. 978-1-5386-2462-3/18. Durga Prasad G et. al., “A Jigsaw based and lab oriented teaching methodology to educate in Digital controller subject”, International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education Imparting Futuristic Skills, during 15-17 July 2018 organized by SRM University in collaboration of IUCEE
- Durga Prasad G et. al., “Generalized Cascaded Multi Level Inverter Using Reduced Number of Components with PV Systems”, in Biennial International Conference on Power and Energy Systems:Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTS E), 978-1-4673-6658-8116/$3l.00 ©20 16 IEEE,
- “Power Electronics” published with the publisher Scientific International Publishing House (SIPH), New Delhi with the ISBN number 978-93-5757-269-9.
- Google Scholar Id: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=tWFAhHAAAAAJ
- Scopus Id: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57192238182
- ORCID Id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6972-7801
- A Twelve Week course on “NBA Accreditation and Teaching – Learning in Engineering (NATE)” organized by NPTEL, Jan 2020 to April 2020.
- A Four week course on “Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice” organized by NPTEL from Jan 2020 to Feb 2020.
- A One Week International Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Tools & Techniques in Machine Learning and Data Science”, organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, Madanapalle in Association with Computer Society of India from 5th February 2024 to 10th February 2024
- Regional Meet held on 6-01-2024 at KL University, Vijayawada organized by IIC
- FDP from 2023-10-29 to 2023-11-09 on Java organized by IIT Bombay – Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay
- A Five Day Workshop on Structured Query Language (SQL), organized by Skill Nation during 15-08-2023 to 20-08-2023
- One-week Online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “AI Enabled AR/VR in Communications & Signal Processing Application”, during 3rd – 7th October 2023, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Nalla Narasimha Reddy Education Society’s Group of Institutions – Integrated Campus.
- FIVE day FDP on “RECENT ADVANCEMENTS IN ELECTRIC VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY” from 24th – 28th July 2023, Ballari Institute of Technology & Management
- Five days Faculty Development Program on “Research Methodology on Machine Learning and Data Science” held during 10th July, 2023 to 14th July, 2023, organized by Department of CSE (DS), CSE (AI&ML) and AI&DS, B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Telangana, India
- 30 Hours Online Course on “Data Analytics with Python” at IndiZeal Academy, during 7-06-2023 to 16-06-2023.
- Scientific Communication E-Workshop for Researchers, organized by BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, 29 May – 2 June 2023, 6-8PM
- Five-day Faculty Development program on Python for Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Organized by Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering & Technology 27-03-2023 to 31-03-2023
- Research Information Management System organized by Inflibnet Center, Gandhinagar, Gujarat during 20-02-2023 to 22-2-2023
- Machine Learning for Data Science, organized by NIT Warangal during 14th Nov. 2022 to 29th Nov. 2022.
- National Level webinar on “Integration on Renewable Energy Systems with Microgrid” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering on 01.07.2020
- A Five Day National Level FDP on “Insights of Control Systems and Signal Processing: Theory to Practice” during 2-7-2020 to 6-7-2020 organized by Sasi Engineering College
- One Week Workshop on “Introduction to PLECS tool for Power Electronics Applications” organized by VRSEC in association with PLEXIM, Switzerland during 2nd to 6th July 2020.
- AICTE Sponsored Online Short-term Training Program on “Recent Trends in Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technologies” (RTHEVT-2020) from 6 – 11th, July 2020
- A 5-Day Online Faculty Development Program on “POWER ELECTRONIC CONVERTERS & IT’S REAL TIME APPLICATIONS”, Organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sri Vasavi Engineering College (Autonomous), Andhra Pradesh, held during 21st – 25th July 2020.
- A Short Term Course on Advanced Simulation Tools for Power Electronics, Electromagnetics and Power Systems (From 1st June 2020 to 5th June 2020) organized by Vignan’s Institute of Engineering for Women Kapu Jaggarajupeta, Visakhapatnam
- A Five day Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering” during 8th to 12th June 2020 organized by VIT Bhimavaram
- A One Week Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things & Big Data Applications in Power Electronics and its Allied Areas” during 01st to 6th June 2020.
- A Three day Faculty Development Program on “Research Aspects in the development of Sustainable Energy Solutions” during 23rd to 25th June 2020 organized by Stella Marry’s College of Engineering
- A One Week Faculty Development Program on “ AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Automation Applications in Electrical Datasets: Theory and Hands on Practice” during 5th to 10th July 2020. Organized by Sasi Institute of Technology & Engineering
- “IUCEE Annual Leadership Summit” during 10-12 July 2020 organized by IUCEE
- “IPR and IP Management for Innovation and Start-ups” presented by Mr.O.Prasad Rao, Deputy Controller of Patents and Design, IP India, Govt.of India on 15.05.2020
- Faculty Hands on workshop on IoT organized by VEDIC, Bangalore SVES during 13th -15th Dec. 2019.
- NAAC’s New Framework for Accreditation and Assessment of HEIs: Opportunities & Challenges, organized by G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science (for women), Hyderabad, during 19th & 20th Sep 2019.
- Unbiased workshop on 12th February 2019 at SVECW(A) under VEDIC.
- Think Technology Transformation training on 19th to 21st July 2018 at VEDIC, Hyderabad
- One-day workshop IONCUDOS outcome based education platform on 16th July 2018 at SRM University
- ‘Management Development Program for Improved R&D and III at TEQIP-II Institutions’ during September 19 – 23, 2016, at Administrative Staff College of India Bella Vista: Hyderabad
- Two Day training program on ‘Implementation os space vector pulse width modulation for multi-level inverters using FPGA’ during 16th – 17th Oct 2016, organized by University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana.
- Management Development program for One week on ‘Academic leader ship program’, held during 23rd – 28th Nov. 2015 organized by IIM Kozhikode, Kerala.
- Attended National Level one week FDP ‘Application of Optimization Techniques to Electrical Systems’ held during 7th – 12th Sep 2015, organized by SVECW., Bhimavaram.
- National Level Workshop on ‘ FPGA based control of Permanent Magnet & Reluctance Motors for Energy Efficient Industrial Drives’ organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore during 6-8 Aug 2015.
- One day workshop on ‘Outcome Based Education’ by Michael K J Milligan, PhD, PE, CAE ABET Executive Director, Dr. Raman Unnikrishnan , Dean California State University, Fullerton, Washington Accord Mentor for NBA, USA, organized by BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore.
- Faculty Development Program on ‘Knowledge Management, Memory Training, Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation’ held on 18th -28th February 2015, organized by Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Franz Stanek, Germany.
- National Level Workshop on ‘Role of Power Electronics Converters for Renewable Energy Sources’ on 7th & 8th August 2014. Organized by Karunya University.
- One Day national Level workshop on ‘IPR and Patents’, on 25th October 2014. organized by Research and development center, Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women.
- National workshop on “Research Challenges in Solar Photovoltaic Technologies” organized by Karunya University, Coimbatore, T.N, India, on 2nd & 3rd Aug 2013.
- National Level Seminar on “Research Challenges of Renewable Energy in Smart Grid” organized by Karunya University, Coimbatore, T.N, India, on 13th & 14th Sep 2012.
- National workshop on “outcome based Emerging Education” organized by Vignan University, Guntur, A.P, India on 28th Jan 2012
- Java test, remotely conducted by the Spoken Tutorial project, IIT Bombay, under an honour invigilation system. Self learning through Spoken Tutorials and passing an online test completes the training programme. Credits: 4 Score: 85.00% on 2023-11-09
- Completed Python Essentials Course Provided by Cisco Networking Academy In Collobaration with Open EDG Python Institute. On 17-07-2023
- A Five Day online Workshop on “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India council for Technical Education, during 12th July 2021- 16th July 2021.
- A Six Week Online Course on “Online Teaching” organized by IUCEE from 27th July 2020 to 4th Sep 2020 completed capstone project with 91% of score.
- A Course on “Foundations of Teaching for learning: Curriculum”, organized by Commonwealth Education Trust in offered through Coursera, Jan. 2020.
- New Learning: Principles and Patterns of Pedagogy organized by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and offered through Coursera, June 2020.
- A TEQIP sponsored Two Week Course on “Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process”, organized by IIT Bombay, during 16th March to 30th March 2020.
- Attended webinar on Metacognitive Hybrid Learning Model using ICT tools on 30-10-2019, under IUCEE Virtual Academy
- Delivered webinar on Project Based Learning Method Using Simulation Tools and Hardware Exposure on Feb 5, 2016, under IUCEE Virtual Academy
- Coordinator – MoEs Innovation Cell (MIC) – Coordinating all the activities of MIC like, Institutions Innovation Cell (IIC), National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP), YUKTI National Repository (YNR), YUKTI innovation Challenge (YIC), Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)
- Coordinator – i-Stem portal maintaining by Govt. of India
- Coordinator – NIRF Coordinator for Criteria-II SVECW(A)
- Coordinator – NAAC Criteria III under New framework SVECW (A).
- Coordinator – IRINS Nodal Officer for SVECW (A) –
- Coordinator – Institutional Research & Development Center
- Coordinator – Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (2022-23)
- IEEE – CIS Student Branch Advisor