Assistant Professor |
B.E/B.Tech: – ECE, Vishnu Institute of Technology, 2014
M.E/M.Tech: – DECS, Vishnu Institute of Technology, 2017
PhD: ECE (Wearable Antennas), Centurion University of Technology and Management, Vizianagaram, Pursuing
Teaching Experience: 6 years
Industrial experience: —
AICTE ID: 1-3541544683
Vidwan ID: 149735
Ratification Status: Ratified
- Number of UG projects guided: 10
- Number of journals published: 9
- Number of conferences attended: 9
- Member IEEE
- RF Antennas
- RF Antennas
- Design Thinking
- Computational Electromagnetics
- Antenna theory
- Transmission Line
- V. S. M., C. R. G., R. V. D., G. K. D., and P. K. M., “Automatic Fault Detection in Industrial Smart Grids Using KNN and Ensemble Classifiers”, ECJSE, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 240–252, 2023, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.1162586
- D.Ramesh Varma, M. Murali, M.Vamshi Krishna, Compact, robust and low-profile textile antennas for bio-medical applications with upgraded bandwidth for integration of easy garment, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 80, Part 2, 2023, Pages 1548-1555, ISSN 2214-7853, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.01.388.
- D. Ramesh Varma, B. Durga Saranya, G. Pavani, M. Venkata Subbarao, G. Challa Ram, D. Girish Kumar, Design of fabric antennas for body protective garment applications and analysis on their performance, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 80, Part 2, 2023, Pages 1538-1547, ISSN 2214-7853, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.01.384.
- Dr. M. Murali, D.Ramesh Varma, Dr.T.Sudheer Kumar, A Survey Of Antenna Array Optimization Using Meta-Heuristic Algorithm, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume 8, Issue 5, Pages: 282-287.
- Mr. D. Ramesh Varma , Dr.M.Murali , Dr.M.Vamshi Krishna, Sidelobe reduction in an Antenna Array using natured inspired Genetic Algorithm, High Technology Letters Volume 26, Issue 8, 2020 ISSN NO : 1006-6748.
- Mr. D. Ramesh Varma , Dr.M.Murali , Dr.M.Vamshi Krishna, A Survey On Synthesis of Linear Antenna Arrays, Circular Antenna Arrays, Conformal Arrays And Beamforming Techniques, Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Publication Year: 2020, 1371-1384.
- DR Varma, DK Madhav, K Rajasekhar, Removing Camera Shake using Discrete Cosine Transform, International Journal of Computer Applications (2017), Volume 975, Pages: 8887.
- D Ramesh Varma, K Pavan Raju, MVRV Prasad, Texture Synthesis using Energy Compaction Property of Different Transforms, International Journal of Computer Applications (2017), Volume 975, Pages: 8887.
- D Ramesh Varma, G Prasanna Kumar, PSN Murthy, Image Restoration using 3-Dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform, International Journal of Computer Applications (2017), Volume 975, Pages: 8887.
- D. R. Varma, M. Murali, M. V. Krishna and G. S. N. Raju, “Miniaturized Novel Textile Antenna for Biomedical Applications,” 2023 2nd International Conference on Paradigm Shifts in Communications Embedded Systems, Machine Learning and Signal Processing (PCEMS), Nagpur, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PCEMS58491.2023.10136066.
- Varma, D.R., Murali, M., Krishna, M.V. (2022). Design of Wearable Microstrip Patch Antenna for Biomedical Application with a Metamaterial. In: Chowdary, P.S.R., Anguera, J., Satapathy, S.C., Bhateja, V. (eds) Evolution in Signal Processing and Telecommunication Networks. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 839. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8554-5_40.
- Venkata Subbarao, M., Keerthana, B., Ramesh Varma, D., Terlapu, S.K., Challa Ram, G. (2023). Automatic Modulation Classification Under AWGN and Fading Channels Using Convolutional Neural Network. In: Chakravarthy, V., Bhateja, V., Flores Fuentes, W., Anguera, J., Vasavi, K.P. (eds) Advances in Signal Processing, Embedded Systems and IoT . Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 992. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8865-3_20
- G. C. Ram, M. V. Subbarao, D. R. Varma and A. S. Krishna, “Enhanced Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Identifying and Classification of Silicon Wafer Faults in IC Fabrication Industries,” 2023 International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), Chennai, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/WiSPNET57748.2023.10133996.
- M. V. Subbarao, G. C. Ram and D. R. Varma, “Performance Analysis of Pistachio Species Classification using Support Vector Machine and Ensemble Classifiers,” 2023 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (ICRTEC), Mysore, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 0.1109/ICRTEC56977.2023.10111889.
- D. Ramesh Varma, M. Venkata Subbarao, G. Challa Ram and D. Girish Kumar, “Reducing Interference and Antenna Array thinning using Nature Inspired Genetic Algorithm,” 2023 Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS), Coimbatore, India, 2023, pp. 915-919, doi: 10.1109/ICAIS56108.2023.10073866.
- G. C. Ram, M. V. Subbarao, D. R. Varma and M. P. Kumar, “Delay Enhancement of Wallace Tree Multiplier with Binary to Excess-1 Converter,” 2023 5th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), Tirunelveli, India, 2023, pp. 113-117, doi: 10.1109/ICSSIT55814.2023.10061043.
- Venkata Subbarao, M., Pravallika, C., Ramesh Varma, D., Prema Kumar, M. (2022). Power Quality Event Classification Using Wavelets, Decision Trees and SVM Classifiers. In: Saini, H.S., Singh, R.K., Tariq Beg, M., Mulaveesala, R., Mahmood, M.R. (eds) Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 355. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8512-5_27.
- Varma, R.A.C., Subbarao, M.V., Varma, D.R., Raju, G.R.L.V.N.S. (2021). High-Throughput VLSI Architectures for VLSI Signal Processing. In: Chowdary, P., Chakravarthy, V., Anguera, J., Satapathy, S., Bhateja, V. (eds) Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 655. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3828-5_37
- Hands on working with Ansoft HFSS and CST Microwave Studio simulators and experimentation process of developing Modern Antenna element designs used for wireless applications.
- Proficiency in C Programming
- NPTEL Completion of “Introduction To Machine Learning”
- NPTEL Completion of “Problem Solving Through Programming In C”
- Coursera Certificate Completion of “Write Professional Emails in English”
- Coursera Certificate Completion of “Design Thinking for Innovation”
- Coursera Certificate Completion of “Algorithms, Data Collection, and Starting to Code”
- Coursera Certificate Completion of “Wireless Communications for Everybody”
- Coursera Certificate Completion of “Introduction to Programming with MATLAB”
- Coursera Certificate Completion of “AI For Everyone”
- Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
- Applications of Deep Learning Techniques to 5G and Beyond 5G Wireless Communication Technologies
- Design of High-frequency Antennas for Real-time Applications (DHARA-2023)
- New & Emerging Technology using Simulation tools
- Healthcare Systems Engineering, Operations Management, and Data Science.
- Design & Innovation on Wireless Communication with Advanced Technology
- Introduction To Machine Learning
- Problem Solving Through Programming In C
- Internet of Things
- Recent Advancements in VLSI Design and Fabrication: From Theory to Practice
- Design Thinking
- Electronic System Design
- 5G Networks and Beyond
- AI Enabled AR/VR in Communications & Signal Processing Application
Department Level:
- Project Contest Coordinator
- Class Incharge
- NASSCOM Future Skills coordinator
- PCB Lab Incharge
Institute Level:
- Build Club Coordinator
- TBI Incharge
- Member- IIC, SVECW
- Amateur Radio club SPOC in association with WPC wing, Ministry of communication and IT