Associate Professor |
B.Tech: ECE, V R Siddartha engineering college, Nagarjuna University , 2001
M.Tech: Digital electronics and Communication Systems, JNTUH, 2008
PhD: Wireless communications, JNTUK , 2022
Teaching experience: 19 years
AICTE ID: 1-457749091
Vidwan ID: 149742
Ratification Status: Ratified as Assistant Professor by JNTUK
- Number of Phd/PG/UG projects guided.
Tech : 2 students
B.Tech : more than 100 students - Number of journals published.13
SCI: 2
Scopus : 8 - Number of conferences attended: 5
- Guest lectures delivered…2
- Communications
- Computer Networks & organization
- Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
- P. Ravikumar, P V Naganjaneyulu, K Satyaprasad, “ Peak to Average Power Ration reduction method for orthogonal frequency Division Multiplexing for 4G communication”, IJCTA,.( Scopus),,
- P. Ravikumar, P V Naganjaneyulu, K Satyaprasad “ Low-Complexity PTS-Based Schemes for PAPR Reduction in SFBC MIMO-OFDM”, Indian J.Sci.Res
- P. Ravikumar, P V Naganjaneyulu, K Satyaprasad “Hybrid PS–GW optimise PTS scheme for PAPR reduction in OFDM system”,IET Communications 13(18), (impact factor 1.07 SCI )
- P. Ravikumar, P V Naganjaneyulu, K Satyaprasad “Partial transmit sequence to improve OFDM using BFO & PSO algorithm”.International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processing, World Scientific Publishing Company,(Impact factor 0.463 SCI )
- P. Ravikumar, P V Naganjaneyulu, K Satyaprasad “Hybrid genetic algorithmin partial transmit sequence to improve OFDM”. International journal of intelligent systems technologies and applications, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Impact factor 0.9(Free Scopus)
- P Ravikumar,G.Loshmi,R.Bhuvaneswari M.Keerthana,S.Gowthami ”Field Strength measurements of Radio Vishnu 90.4cr along different routes with Geographical location registrations. July 2023| IJIRT | Volume 10 Issue 2 | ISSN: 2349-6002.
- Presented a paper tittled “ PAPR Reduction in OFDM for 5G communications” at Nagarcoil, Tamilanadu in 2015
- Presented a paper tittled “Low-Complexity PTS-Based Schemes for PAPR Reduction in SFBC MIMO-OFDM: at Gandhian institute of technology, Bhubaneswar , 2017
- Completed 3 years (2017-2020) AICTE sponsored project “SPDP for SC/ST students” worth of 23lackhs.
- Received 2.3cr from DST for “Science& Technology Innovation Hub, Bhimavaram and successfully completed in the year 2023.
- Received BEST IETE Student forum award,
— NA —
- NPTEL Certifications: Analog communications,
- Principles of communications,
- Operating systems,
- Communications network (in progress)
— NA —
- Attended 1 week FDP on Fundamentals of Digital and Wireless Communication, JNTUH in July 2015.
- Participated 10days GIAN workshop on 5G Communications at NIT Kurukshetra in 2019,
- Attended 1 Week FDP on wireless communications at NIT Calicut 2018,
- Participated 1 week FDP on micro electronics design at IIIT Pune in the year 2014.
- Attended 1 week FDP on Teaching skills by NITTR Chennai in the year 2007.
- Actively participated in 1 week workshop on Innovative teaching methodologies-MISSION 10X by Wipro in the year 2010.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Communication and Presentation Skills for Faculty”, JNTUK in the year 2011.
Institute level :
- Administrative coordinator
- Food coordinator
- Transportation Incharge
Department level:
- Communication lab incharge,
- Department Library incharge,
- IETE Student forum coordinator,
- NAAC Criteria 6 coordinator, NBA Criteria 6 coordinator,
- UG Project panel member.