Professor |
B.E/B.Tech: – AMIETE – IETE, New Delhi 1999
M.Tech – Communications and Radar Systems, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 2005
Ph.D – Microwaves and Antennas, JNTU Hyderabad, 2018
Teaching Experience: 23 years 4 Months
AICTE ID: 1-457749067
Vidwan ID: 149741
Ratification Status: Ratified
- M.Tech. guidance: Guided more than 20 students
- B.Tech. project guidance: Guided more than 100 students
- Member IEEE – 97643078
- MIETE – M 181389
- FIE -123759-0
- RF and Microwaves
- Computational Electromagnetics,
- Microwave Antenna,
- Radar Engineering
- S. Hanumantha Rao, T.Madhu, and C.Premellamma “ DESIGN OF A QUADRIFILAR HELICAL ANTENNA FOR SATELLITE AND MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS” IETE Journal of Research Vol 54, No. 2, March-April 2008, pp 141-148.
- S Hanumantha Rao, et al “MEMORY BASED STRUCTUTRES FOR REALIZATION OF DIGITAL FIR FILTERS USING LOOK UP TABLES” International Journal of Electronics and Communication Technology (IJCET) Vol. 2, SP-I, Dec-2011, pp 85-88.
- S Hanumantha Rao, et al “DESIGN OF ON-CHIP BUS OCP PROTOCOL WITH BUS FUNCTIONALITIES” International Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management ISSN (PRINT): 2231 – 4407, Volume-3, Issue-1, 2013, pp 14-18.
- K.Lakshmi Divya and S.Hanumantha Rao “IMPLEMENTATION OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS USING A CIARP” International Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication Systems Volume 02, Issue No.06, September-2014, pp 440-444.
- P Sindhu and S Hanumantha Rao “DESIGN OF A LOW-VOLTAGE LOW DROPOUT REGULATOR WITH ASSISTANT PUSH-PULL OUTPUT STAGE CIRCUIT” International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Vol 08, Issue No 2, July-Dec 2016, pp 235-243
- P Sindhu and S Hanumantha Rao “DESIGN OF ULTRA-LOW POWER CAPACITOR FREE-LOW DROPOUT REGULATOR WITH ASSISTANT PUSH-PULL OUTPUT STAGE CIRCUIT” International Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication Systems(IJVDCS), Volume.04, IssueNo.09, September-2016, Pages: 752-756
- Jalla Chinnari and Hanumantha Rao S “IMPLEMENTATION OF LOW POWER VOLTAGE LEVEL SHIFTER USING GALEOR TECHNIQUE FOR SUBTHRESHOLD OPERATION” IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP) Volume 7, Issue 5, Ver. I (Sep-Oct. 2017), PP 30-35 e-ISSN: 2319 – 4200, p-ISSN No. : 2319 – 4197.
- S. Harsha Sree, S. Hanumantha Rao “A NEW METHODOLOGY FOR THE DESIGN OF MULTIPLIERS FOR EFFICIENT AREA-POWER SAVINGS” International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Volume 8, Issue X, October 2018 pp 1520-1531
- S Hanumantha Rao, et al. “Discrete Wavelet Transform based Blind Video Watermarking Approach for Secured Indoor Content” Volume 83 Page Number: 17291 – 17298
- S Hanumantha Rao, et al “Parametric Analysis of Modified Modulation Techniques for AWGN and Rayleigh Channel Models” IJRECE VOL. 6 Issue 3 , July – September 2018
- Dr. M.C. Chandra Mouli, S.Hanumantha Rao & M.Venu Gopal “ADAPTIVE FILTERING ALGORITHM IN SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR”, National Conference on RF & Baseband systems for Wireless applications under TIFAC – CORE Mission Reach Programme on Wireless Technologies (RF BASE 2005), at Madhurai, during 11- 12th December 2005.
- S Hanumantha Rao, and Dr K Jaya Sankar “ Design of a Monopole antenna for Mobile Applications”, International Symposium on Microwaves (ISM- 2010) conducted by IEEE-MTT Society at Bangalore during 10-12th December 2010.
- S Hanumantha Rao and K.Jaya Sankar “Design of Optimal Microstrip Antenna Elements in the Array Environment Using Genetic Algorithm” 7th International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Propagation & Remote Sensing (ICMARS-2011) organized by International Centre for Radio Science (ICRS), Jodhpur during 7th -10th December 2011.
- S Hanumantha Rao “Extension of Orthogonal Latin Square Codes” International Conference on Developments in Engineering Research (ICDER-2015) on 6th September 2015
- S Hanumantha Rao, et al “Design of a Low-Voltage low dropout regulator with assistant push-pull output stage circuit” 6th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (ICRISEM-16) organized by the IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida, UP on 20th August 2016
- Jalla Chinnari and H R Sistla “DOUBLE-SUPPLY VOLTAGE LEVEL SHIFTER WITH AN AUXILIARY CIRCUIT FOR HIGH-SPEED APPLICATIONS” Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications Proceedings of ICMEET 2017 by Springer Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering
- S. Harsha Sree, S. Hanumantha Rao “ A NEW METHODOLOGY FOR THE DESIGN OF MULTIPLIERS FOR EFFICIENT AREA-POWER SAVINGS” XV International conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Science and Management, Proceedings of ICRTESM-18 by Osmania University, Hyderabad, 20th October 2018 pp 150-160
- Ratikanta Sahoo, Hanumantha Rao Sistla “Multiband Slotted Microstrip Antenna for Terahertz Applications” 2nd International Conference on Futuristic Technologies (INCOFT) Karnataka, India. Nov 24-26, 2023
- Principle Investigator for the project “Establishment of Community Resilience Resource Centre CRRC in Bhimavaram, Undi, Palakoderu, Attilli and Kalla Blocks, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh State”
Funded by Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, worth of Rs 1,24,88,182.00 sanctioned in the year 2023 for three years. - Co coordinator for the project “Establishment of AICTE IDEA LAB in SVECW” Funded by AICTE, New Delhi worth of Rs 92,47,000.00 during 2022 -2024
- Co Principle Investigator for the project “Science Technology and Innovation Hub at Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women”, Funded by Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, worth of Rs 3,15,38,570.00 during 2020 – 2023
- Co Principle Investigator for the project “Rural Women Technology Park in Kovvada Village”, Funded by Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, worth of Rs 83,58,506.00 during 2015 – 2019.
- Co Principle Investigator for the project “Fund for Improvement in S&T Infrastructure” Funded by Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi worth of Rs 30,00,000.00 during 2014 -2019
- Principle Investigator Science for the project “Science for Women Health and Nutrition” Funded by Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, worth of Rs 14,60,000.00 during 2015 -2016
- Principle Investigator Science for the project “Science for Women Health and Nutrition” Funded by Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, worth of Rs 7,20,000.00 in the year 2011.
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- AI For Everyone through Coursera
- Grant for a fund of INR 3.50 Lakhs for organizing AICTE Sponsored ATAL One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Advancements in Nanoscale VLSI Design: Enabling Next-Generation Integrated Circuits” during11 -16 December 2023.
- Grant for a fund of Rs. 3,00,000.00 for organising AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Program on Electromagnetics, Microwave, RF & Antenna Design Using Ansys HFSS during 27.07.2020 to 01.08.2020, (STTP –I) 24.08.2020 to 29.08.2020 (STTP -II) and 21.09.2020 to 26.09.2020 (STTP -III)
- 5 day workshop on Design and Simulation of Antennas & Microwave Devices using ANSYS HFSS during 2016
- 5 day workshop on RF Circuit Design using ADS Software:: Hands on Experience during 2015
- 3 days workshop on Hands on experience session on usage of Vector Network Analyzer for research scholars in the field of Microwaves and Antennas during 2015
- Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on “Basic Idea Lab FDP” from 02/05/2022 to 06/05/2022 at Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, New Delhi
- Attended Webinar On “Public Procurement through GeM Portal” From “26/05/2022-27/05/2022” conducted by National Productivity Council, Govt. of India.
- Attended Four day FDP on “Recent Innovations and Trends in Antenna Design” from 24/06/2020 to 27/06/2020 at Silicon Institute of Technology, Sambalpur.
- Attended a FDP on “Modern Antennas for Wireless Systems” during 22-24 May, 2020 at Shri Ramdevbaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur
- In charge Radio Vishnu and Vishnu TV Academy (Since 2007)
- Champion for Criteria 4 in NAAC
- Program Coordinator – UG NBA (Since 2014)
- Member HAM Radio Club, SVECW
- Member – Vishnu Space Application Center (VSAC)