News @ SVECW


Academics > Departments

Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)

Mrs K. Swathi

Assistant Professor |

B.E/B.Tech:ECE, JNTUH & 2011
M.E/M.Tech:ECE, JNTUH & 2013

Teaching Experience: 10 years

Vidwan ID: 467580
Ratification Status:

VLSI Design

1.A Paper entitled as “Smart waste monitoring and controlling for swach barath using IOT” published in International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, Volume XIV, Issue VI, June/2022.

2.A Paper entitled as “Gas leak detection and controlling based on wireless sensor network” published in International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, Volume XIV, Issue VI, June/2022.

3.A Paper entitled as The embedded systems and data analytics revolution” published in Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, Volume XII, Issue III, March/2020.

4.A Paper entitled as “Three stage Toll Gate Alarming Mechanism on Road Highways” published in International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol. 143, Issue 12 June2016.

5.A Paper entitled as ”An Improved GUI based Voice Identification with Applied RASTA-PLP” published in International Journal of Technology and science, Vol.6(1): 1-3,2015.

6.A Paper entitled as “An Electronic Security Monitoring System Using GSM Communication” published in Journal of Academia and Industrial Research (JAIR), Vol. 4, Issue 1 June2015.

7.A Paper entitled as “Eco-friendly Environment with RFID Communication Imparted Waste Collecting Robot” published in Journal of Academia and Industrial Research (JAIR), Vol. 4, Issue 2 July 2015.

1.Presented a paper titled Enhancing Accessibility: A Raspberry Pi-Based Image to Speech System for the visually impaired in the 12th international conference organised by OSIET,Chennai during 23rd & 24th March 2024.

2. Presented a paper titled Design of Low Power based 12T SRAM using Adibaticlogic for aerospace applications in the 4th international conference organised by Suguna College of Engineering, Coimbatore during 5th  & 6th April 2024.

1. Attended a One Week Online FDP on “Deep Dive in to IOT Technologies and applications” Organized by Dept. of ECE,LBRCE Duration from 24.06.2024 to 28.06.2024.

2. Attended a one week FDP on Advancements in Nanoscale VLSI Design organised by AICTE-ATAL at SVCEW during 11.12.2023 to 16.12.2023.

3. Attended a One Week Workshop on “VLSI system design –Silicon to End Applications Approach” Organized by AICTE Duration from 31.07.2023 to 04.08.2023.

4. Attended a One Week FDP on “Recent Trends in VLSI& Signal Processing” Organized by Dept. of ECE, SVCET, Chitoor Duration from 24.07.2023 to 28.07.2023.

5. Participated in a One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence” organized by Bhimavaram Institute of Engineering & Technology and Blackbuck Engineers Pvt Ltd from 25-31 May, 2022.

6. Attended Online Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends in IOT using Embedded Systems from 07-12-2020 to 19-12-2020 organized by ECE Dept., MGIT,

7.Participated in IEEE workshop on Microwave and Antenna Applications in 5G from 08-12-2020 to 13-12-2020, jointly organized by AP-MTT chapter Bangalore and IEEE Bangalore

8.Participated in Awareness webinar on outcome based Education Accreditation on 25-11-2020 organized by NBA, New Delhi in association of JNTU

  • Organized the DST-SERB-ANRF sponsored five days hands on training workshop on CMOS-MEMS integrated sensor technology for human centered applications during 24th to 28th June 2024.
  • Acted as acoordinator for one week FDP on High-Performance Computing Architectures: VLSI Perspectives.
  • Acted as a Main Coordinator for Medhospurthi 2K18, Technical Students National Symposium