Assoc. Professor |
Years of Experience
Teaching: 13 Years 5 Months
Research: —
Industry: —
Areas of Specialization: Power Systems, VLSI Signal Processing
Date of Joining: 01-05-2017
CN ID: thecn.com/@KS1861
Scopus ID: 56765949800
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1003-7857
Vidwan ID: 149714
WOS ID: AAO-7268-2020
Doctoral Degree | Ph.D. | EEE- Optimization Techniques |
PG Degree | M.E., | VLSI Design |
UG Degree | B.Tech. | Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
S. No | Duration | Designation | Institute | Experience |
1. | 01-05-2017 to till date | Associate Professor, EEE Department | Shri Vishnu College Engineering for Women, Bhimavaram | Working |
2. | 11-01-2015 to 30-04-2017 | Assistant Professor, EEE Department | Swarnandhra College of Engineering &Technology, Seetharampuram | 2Y 3M |
3. | 01-06-2012 to 10-01-2015 | Assistant Professor, EEE Department | Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur | 2Y 7M |
4. | 21-6-2010 to 30-4-2012 | Assistant Professor, EEE Department | Saveetha University Chennai | 1Y 10M |
International Journals:
- Kalyan Sagar Kadali, K. Mohana Sundaram, C.S. Boopathi, A. Pandian, Ravishankar Sathyamurthy, Anandhraj P., Madhu B., Predator–Prey based firefly optimization for PV Module parameters extraction, Energy Reports, Volume 7, Supplement 6, 2021, Pages 609-615, ISSN 2352-4847.
- Kadali, K.S., Veeraswamy, M., Ponnusamy, M. and Jawalkar, V.R. (2022), ―Linear Interpolated multi-objective economic emission scheduling using grey wolf optimiser: a strategic balance and solution with diverse load pattern‖, COMPEL – The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, Vol.
41No. 1, pp. 427-454. - Kalyan Sagar Kadali, L.Rajaji, “Grey Wolves Optimization for Economic Load Dispatch with Practical Constraints,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 8, Issue-3).
- KalyanSagarKadali, L.Rajaji, V.Moorthy, J.Viswanatharao, “Environmentally Sustainable Economic Dispatch Using Grey Wolves Optimization,” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Science Vol. 13, No. 6 March 2018.
International Conferences:
- Kalyan Sagar Kadali, R. Loganathan, M. Veerasamy, and V. Jawalker, “Cost-Effective Dispatch Using Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm: Solution with Diverse Load Pattern,” 3rd-IEEE – International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN) 3 & 4 July 2020, pp-51-55.
- Kalyan Sagar Kadali, L.Rajaji, V.Moorthy, J.Viswanatharao, “Economic generation schedule on thermal power system considering emission using grey wolves optimization,” 1st International Conference on Power Engineering, Computing and CONtrol, PECCON-2017, 2-4 March 2017.
- Member [1101076893] – “The Institution of Engineering & Technology-UK” – The Institution of Engineering and Technology is the world’s largest multidisciplinary professional engineering institution.
- Member [375] – Soft Computing Research Society New Delhi.
- Received IET India Volunteering Award 2023 on November 6, 2023, at Bangalore.
- Elected as “Council Member” in IET – UK Election 2014. Council is the top-level consultative and advisory body of the IET, representing the views of the membership at large and offering advice to the Board of Trustees.
- Chief Coordinator of IET Young Professionals Section of Andhra Pradesh 2012-14.
- Secured First rank in Anna University Examinations conducted during the year 2009-10.
- Won 2nd prize in “National Level Project Presentation” Entitled Micro- Controller Based Multi Tank Water Level Controller.
- Attended VDAT-09 symposium at WIPRO, Bangalore.
- Received “IET Pride Champ” Award from IET – UK at the South Asia Community Volunteers Conference in Aug 2012 (One Among the three prestigious Awards in India).
- Received “D.A.Rajan Promotional Award” from IET Chennai Local Network Sep 2014
- As a elected council member of IET (UK) attended seven council meetings at IET Head Quarters London UK thrice a year from 2014-2017.
- Attended Young Professional Event – Robotic science for Autonomous Vehicles on 23rd Oct 2014 at Royal Institution, London UK by Prof. Paul Newman, BP Professor of Information Engineering, Head of The Oxford Mobile Robotics Group, EPSRC Leadership Fellow, Dept Engineering Science, University of Oxford. (http://www.theiet.org/yp-event).
- Attended “The Healthcare Technologies Student and Early Career Awards 2015” on 25th February 2015 One Birdcage Walk London ( https://localevents.theiet.org/2015-a3a2-b7b3).
- Attended “IET Volunteer Induction Day” at CR1 & CR2, Stevenage UK, on 27th February 2015 (https://localevents.theiet.org/regcheck.php?booking_ref=2015-ce10-1b70).
- One day IET sponsored national level workshop “Life Skills Development Program” on 27th August, 2012 at Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur.
- One day IET sponsored national level workshop “Unlock Your Mind” on 6th September 2012 at Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur.
- One day IET sponsored national level workshop “Born to Fly” on 6th January 2013 at Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur.
- One day IET sponsored workshop on “Trouble shooting of Home Appliances “at Saveetha University on December 2011.
- One day IET sponsored national level workshop on “Android Apps Development” at Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur on DEC 2012.
- Two day National Level workshop on “ROBOTICS” at Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur on DEC 2012.
- FDP on “Public Speaking & Powerful Presentation” on 19th October, 2013 at Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur.
- FDP on “Research Methodologies” by Dr.Niladri Chakraborty, Jadavpur University Kolkata, on 28th December, 2013 at Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology, Seetharampuram, Narsapur.
- Two day National Level workshop on “Image Processing using MATLAB” at Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur on 4th & 5th October 2013.
- Two day national level workshop on “Web Designing” at Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur on 10th & 11th March, 2014.
- One day IET sponsored national level workshop on “Network Security-Intrusion detection and Prevention” on 23rd March 2014 at Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur.
- Two day IET sponsored national level technical symposium “Technoscet’15” on 5th & 6th 2015 at Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology, Narsapur.
- Three day IET sponsored national level workshop on “Android-IOT” on 20-22 February, 2016 at Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology, Narsapur.
- One day IET sponsored International level Seminar on “Submarine Cable Systems” on 13th June 2016 at Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology, Narsapur, by Er.Hudson Egbert, Ciena Network Corporation, Canada USA.
- Two day IET sponsored national level workshop on “Robotics” on 14th & 15th March 2016 at Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology, Narsapur, by Er.Aditya Sarma, Microsoft Corporation, USA.
- A Two day IET sponsored workshop on Augmented Reality Artificial Intelligence 7th and 8th Dec 2018 at Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women, Bhimavaram.
- A Two day IET sponsored workshop on Industrial IOT 1st and 2nd March 2019 at Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women, Bhimavaram
- A one day IET sponsored workshop on Industrial IOT on 1st March 2019 at Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women, Bhimavaram
- A one day IET sponsored workshop on DC motor control in Smart Electric vehicles Aug 2021 at Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women, Bhimavaram
- A one day IET sponsored workshop on “AI & ML” June 2023 at Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women, Bhimavaram
- A Two day IET sponsored workshop on “Advanced Digital Design Using Verilog” Aug 2023 at Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women, Bhimavaram
- A one day IET sponsored workshop “Know My IET” Jan 2023 at Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women, Bhimavaram
- Participated in the workshop on Inspire-Impact Introspect during 09-11-17 to 11-11-17 conducted at VEDIC Hyderabad.
- Participated in three day workshop on Power Electronic Technologies for PV Systems during 19-21 December 2018 at SVECW Bhimavaram.
- Participated in one week FDP on Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering: A Research Perspective during 19-24 February 2018 at SVECW Bhimavaram.
- Participated in the workshop on Think-Technology-Transform Level-I on 07-06-18 conducted at SVECW Bhimavaram.
- Participated in the workshop on Student Learning in Instructional Design (SLIDE) during 26-02-19 to 28-02-19 conducted at VEDIC Hyderabad.
- Institute level IET Faculty Advisor and EEE Department R&D Coordinator at Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women, Bhimavaram, 2017to till date.
- Institute level IET Faculty Advisor at Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology Seetharampuram, Narsapur 2015-2017.
- Head i/c Dept of EEE at College of Engineering & Technology Seetharampuram, Narsapur 2015-2017AY.2013-2015
- Institute level IET Faculty Advisor at Swarnandhra Engineering College Narsapur 2012-2015.
- Head Dept of EEE at Swarnandhra Engineering college Narsapur AY.2013-2015
- Institute level IET Faculty Advisor at Saveetha University Chennai 2010-2012.
- E&ICT Academy NIT Warangal: PG Diploma in AI&ML Sep 2023
- Coursera: Solar Energy Basics – 93.64%
- Coursera: Introduction to Battery Management System – 85.75%
- Coursera: AI For Everyone – 89.12%
- Coursera: FPGA Computing Systems – 97.06%
- Coursera: The Global Sustainable Development Goals-97.50%