Assoc. Professor |
Years of Experience
Teaching: 10 Years (as on Oct-2023)
Research: 3 Years
Areas of Specialization: Power Electronics and Drives
CN Id: thecn.com/RJ406
Date of Joining: 07-10-2015
Doctoral Degree | Ph. D. | EEE – Power Electronics and Drives |
PG Degree | M. Tech. | Power Electronics and Electric Drives |
UG Degree | B. Tech. | Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
S. No | Duration | Designation | Institute | Experience |
1. | Sep-2016 to Till date | Associate Professor | Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women (A) | Working |
2. | Oct-2015 to Sep -2016 | Assistant Professor | Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women (A) | 1Y |
3. | May-2011 to July-2012 | Assistant Professor | GVV institute of Technology, Bhimavaram | 1Y |
4. | May-2010 to April-2011 | Assistant Professor | Mother Teresa Institute of Science and Technology, Sathupally | 1Y |
S. No | Duration | Designation | Institute | Experience |
1. | Aug-2012 to Sep -2015 | Regular / Full Time Research Scholar | UCEK, JNTUK | 3Y |
Title: “An improved DTC IM drive with multilevel inverter for vehicular and industrial applications”
Role: Principle Investigator
Total Project Cost Rs: 31,19,580 /-
Duration: March 2017 – Jan 202.
Patent Published:
- Title: “Dental dispenser for contactless dispensing of an articulating paper”, Ref. / Application No.: 202341035190, Status: Published.
- Title: “Self-Handled Braille character printer for blind people”, Ref. / Application No.: 201741010946, Status: Reply Filed. Application in amended examination,
- Title: “Apparatus and Method for Single Motor Drive Testing for Electric Vehicle under Different Simulated Road Conditions”, Ref. / Application No.: 201941025873, Status: Granted Application, Patent Number: 472136.
International Journals:
- Rohith Balaji Jonnala, Sai Babu Ch, “A Modified Multiband Hysteresis Controlled DTC of Induction Machine with 27-level asymmetrical CHB-MLI with NVC modulation”, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2015, DOI:-http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.08.007.
- Rohith Balaji Jonnala, Sai Babu Ch, “Enervate carrier LS-PWM for reducing harmonic distortions in SCHB-MLI” , Perspectives in Science, Volume 8, September 2016, Pages 53–56, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pisc.2016.03.005.
- Rohith Balaji Jonnala, Sai Babu Ch, “ Modelling hybrid modulation strategy with nearest levelled vector switching pattern in space vector control technique for multilevel inverters” , Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2016, DOI: 10.3906/elk-1506-64.
- Rohith Balaji Jonnala, Sai Babu Choppavarapu, “Assessment of performance with the Comparision of Asymmetrical Cascaded and Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverter of Space Vector Control Modulation”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, ISSN (Online) 2321 – 2004, ISSN (Print) 2321 – 5526, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2015.DOI:-10.17148/IJIREEICE.2015.31102.
- Rohith Balaji Jonnala, “SAT Implementation in Direct Torque Control For Dynamic Response in Multi Level Inverter Induction Motor DRIVES”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, ISSN: 2229-5518, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2012.
International Conferences:
- J Rohith Balaji, H. S. Panuganti et al., “Design and implementation of a Voice Controlled chessboard using an X-Y Mechanism” 2023 IEEE International Students’ Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), Bhopal, India, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/SCEECS57921.2023.10063112.
- Rohith Balaji Jonnala, Jyothi Gidda, Ch Sai Babu, “Performance Analysis of DTC-IM Drive with Hybrid SVC Modulated ASCHB-MLI”, IEEE 1st International Conference on Energy, Systems and Information Processing (ICESIP 2019), 4th – 6th of July, 2019, IIITDM, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu, India.
- Rohith Balaji Jonnala, Jyothi Gidda, “OVER-MODULATED REFERENCE FOR 12-SIDED POLYGONAL SPACE VECTOR STRATEGY BASED MODIFIED PULSE PATTERN FOR CHB MLI”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information System (ICIIS), December 1st-2nd, 2018, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Rupnagar, Punjab, India.
- Rohith Balaji Jonnala, Naga Raju Eluri, Ch Sai Babu, “Implementation, Comparison and Experimental Verification of Nearest Vector Control and Nearest Level Control Techniques for 27-Level Asymmetrical CHB Multilevel Inverter”, IEEE International Conference on Control Instrumentation Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT-2016), 16th –17th of December, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil, Tamilnadu, India.
- Rohith Balaji Jonnala, Ch Sai Babu, “Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Hysteresis based Modified carrier LS-PWM Modulated SCHB-MLI”, IEEE International Conference on Control Instrumentation Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT-2015), 18th – 19th of December, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil, Tamilnadu, India.
National Conferences:
- Chitturi Swapna, Rohith Balaji Jonnala, “Implementation and Analysis of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical configurations of Series connected Sub-Multilevel Inverter with Nearest Level Control Modulation”, 3rd National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (ETE-2016), 29th – 30th of January, Shri Vishnu Engg. College for Women’s (A), Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- Associate Member of INSTITUTION ENGINEERS (INDIA) – AM157888-1
- Life Member of SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY OF INDIA – LM/2139/2015
- Senior Member of IEEE – SM-93680180
- Life Member of SYSTEM SOCIETY OF INDIA – LM No.- 33133
- Delivered an invitee talk on “Space Vector Control modulated Symmetrical and Asymmetrical CHB MLI” at AICTE sponsored Two week FDP (phase-1) scheduled to be held between 2nd to 14th of November, 2020 in Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of technology, Nambur,Guntur (DT).
- Acted as a Recourse person in “MATLAB Workshop” at UCEK, JNTUK, Kakinada during ENCURSO2k18, 24th and 25th Feb-2018.
- Acted as a Recourse person in “MATLAB Workshop” at UCEK, JNTUK, Kakinada during ENCURSO2k17, 4th and 5th March-2017.
- AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Faculty Development Program on Design Thinking and Prototyping for Industry 4.0 at SHRI VISHNU ENGINEERING COLLEGE FOR WOMEN from 20/11/2023 to 25/11/2023.
- Eight day national Faculty Development Program on “Case-Based Learning, Teaching, Writing and Publication” held from September 25th to October 2nd 2023, Organized by VFSTR Deemed to be University, Vadlamudi, Guntur Dt., A.P.
- NPTEL – AICTE 12 week FDP on Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists.
- LAB to MARKET Conclave by PALS on 18th February 2023 at IIT Madras Research Park for the projects “Braille Character Printer, Electrical Dynamic Suspension System”.
- Two day workshop on “Introduction to Embedded Systems and Robotics” conducted on November 24th and 25th 2022 held at IIT Tirupati.
- Three week Medical Device Innovation Camp (eMEDIC) held virtually from 2nd to 24th October 2021 by BETIC, IIT Bombay.
- One week FDP on “Embedded Systems and IoT applications in allied fields” organized by E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal at VVIT, Nambur, Guntur from 25th to 30th October 2017.
- Three day workshop on “Scientific Educational Practices” held at VEDIC from 12th to 14th December 2016.
- One week FDP on “Advances and Applications of Power Electronic Converter” held at SVECW from 3rd to 8th Oct, 2016.
- One week FDP on “Real time practices in EEE” held at SVECW from 26th Sep. to 1st Oct, 2016.
- One week FDP on “Modern Control of Electric Drives” held at SVECW from 12th to 17th Sep, 2016.
- One week FDP on “Computational tools for Electrical Systems” held at SVECW from 25th to 30th july, 2016.
- Two Day National seminar on “Assistive Technology” held at SVECW from 23rd and 24th July 2016.
- Two Day National seminar on “Recent trends in Power Systems” held at VVIT, nambur, Guntur Dt., from 15th and 16th July 2016.
- NPTEL: Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists.
- Coursera: Electric Vehicles and Mobility
- Deshya Technologies Pvt. Ltd. At IIT Guwahati: Electric Vehicle Technology