Professor & HOD |
Dr. S.M. Padmaja received BE. Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from SRKR Engineering College affiliated with Andhra University and M.Tech. Degree from JNTUH Hyderabad. She was awarded her Ph.D. in EEE from JNTUH, Hyderabad, in April 2016. She has been a passionate teacher for about 20 years and heading the department of EEE since June 2017. She was ratified as Associate Professor in the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in the year 2010 by JNTUK, Kakinada.
She has published 15 research papers in various International Journals. She received ‘IGEN WOMEN achiever award 2021’ from the institution of Green Engineers and ‘Best Women Academic Practitioner Award 2023’ from IET Chennai Local Network.
- Co-Principal Investigator for the sanctioned Project “Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence (CURIE)’ a core grant for women PG colleges in the year 2022.
- Implemented an AICTE Project: “Grant-in- Aid under the MODROBS – Rural scheme F.No.84-150 / RIFD / MODROBS / Rural / Policy-1 / 2019-20” entitled “Modernization of Power System Laboratory” in the year 2020.
- Accomplished a DST Project: SR/WOS-A/ET-83/2011 entitled “FPGA based PWM Control of Multilevel Inverters”, as a PI in the year 2015.
- Accomplished an ATAL Tinkering funded Project entitled “Moisture Conditioning System” in year 2018
- Coordinated the AICTE Project: “Grant-in- Aid under the MODROBS scheme F.No.8023/RID/BOR/MOD-23/2008-09” entitled “Modernization of Electrical Machines and Drives Laboratory” during the period 2009-2011.
- Organized an AICTE sanctioned Seminar Grant File No.: 1-4/FD/SEM ( ) / 2006-07 entitled “Reactive Power Compensation Using DSTATCOM” as a coordinator in the year 2009.
- Dr.S.M.Padmaja, et al. “A Deep Learning-Based Approach to Optimize Power Systems with Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources” Electric Power Components and Systems, 0(0): 1–16, 2023 # 2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLCISSN:1532-5008 print / 1532-5016 online DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2023.2202677
- Dr.S.M.Padmaja, “Stability and Reliability Analysis for Multiple WT Using Deep Reinforcement Learning” Electric Power Components and Systems, 0(0): 1–14, 2023 # 2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1532-5008 print / 1532-5016 online DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2023.2220313.
- Dr.S.M.Padmaja, Dr.J.Rohith Balaji, “Design and implementation of a Voice Controlled chessboard using an X-Y Mechanism” 2023 IEEE International Students’ Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS) | 979-8-3503-9874-8/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/SCEECS57921.2023.10063112
- Dr. S M Padmaja, SSSR Sarathbabu Duvvuri, “Non-linear Observer Based Stator Inter-turn Short circuit Fault Detection in 3-Φ Induction Motor” 2021 21st International Symposium on Power Electronics (Ee) | 978-1-6654-0187-6/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/Ee53374.2021.962821.
- Dr.S.M.Padmaja, Dr.Durga Prasad Garapati, and Mr.N.V.Ramana published a book chapter titled “Teaching and Assessment of Course Outcomes in Switching Theory and Logic Design Course: A Case Study (200220-055142)” in a book “Assessment Tools for Mapping Learning Outcomes With Learning Objectives” IGI Global Publishers, Sep.2020 with DOI:10.4018/978-1-7998-4784-7.ch007.
- Dr. S.M.Padmaja, Dr. Durga Prasad Garapati, “Technology in Engineering Pedagogy to Progress the Excellence of Teaching: Teaching Learning Process”, in a book “Methodologies and Outcomes of Engineering and Technological Pedagogy”, IGI Global Publishers, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2245-5. ch001, 2020.
- Dr. S M Padmaja, SSSR Sarathbabu Duvvuri & Srikanth Malladi, “Bearing Fault Detection in Induction Motors Using Discrete-time Extended Kalman Filter”, IEEE International conference, 2018, 978-1-5386-4996-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE.
- Dr. S.M.Padmaja & Durga Prasad Garlapati, “A Jigsaw based and lab oriented teaching methodology to educate in Digital controller subject”, International Conference on Transformations In Engineering Education-Imparting Futuristic Skills –AP 2018S.M.Padmaja, “Reactive Power Management Using Two – Level and Three – Level STATCOM through SVPWM Control Technique”, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Jun 2013.
- S.M.Padmaja, “SVPWM Based 3-Level STATCOM for Reactive Power Management Under Line-Line Fault In A Transmission Line”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2013.
- S.M.Padmaja, “A Detailed Analysis On The Performance Of 3-Level SVPWM Controlled UPFC Placed at Different Locations of IEEE-14 Bus System Under L-G Fault”, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research and Development, Vol.3, No.1 Jan 2013.
- S.M.Padmaja, K.Alfoni Jose, “Implementation of FPGA based 3-phase Inverter fed BLDC motor”, in International Journal for Applied Engineering and Technology, Vol.1, Issue2, Aug 2012.
- S.M.Padmaja, P. Deepthi, “Adjustable speed system of induction motor using vector control”, International Journal of Engineering Research and technology, Vol.1, Issue6, August 2012.
- S.M.Padmaja, M.Deepika, “Simulation of DSTATCOM based on 5-level cascaded H- Bridge Inverter”, International Journal of Engineering Research and technology, Vol.1 Issue 5, July 2012.
- S.M.Padmaja, “Dynamic Performance of Cascaded Three Level NPC Converter Based 48 -Pulse UPFC Applied To Electric Grid Network”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No.4, Nov 2010.
- S.M.Padmaja, “Analysis on Static Voltage Stability Using SVC, STATCOM, TCSC &UPFC”,Journal of Power Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, CCIS 102, pp. 46–52, 2010.
- Organized workshop on “Electrical and Electronic Circuit Design using MATLAB” during 24th-31st August 2023
- IET Sponsored Student Workshop on “Digital Logic Design Using Verilog HDL” during 3rd & 4th August 2023
- 4-day training on “Connected Autonomous Shared Electric Mobility” (CASE) during 3rd – 6th Jan 2023
- Training Program on “Low Power IOT for Product Development” during 1st -15th June2022
- 3-week online training Program for students on “Data Science & Machine Learning using Python” during 5th JAN-11th Feb, 2022
- 5-day competency development Program for students on “Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Engineering” during 7th – 11th April, 2022.
- One week workshop for students on “EV & Lithium Technology with hands on experience” in December 2019.
- Hands-on training on “Solar Study Lamp Assembly” in October 2019
- Organized students workshop on “PCB Design & Manufacturing” in September 2019
- One day training program for students under IET SVECW Student Chapter on “LaTeX – An Efficient Documentation Tool” in March 2019
- Students workshop under IET SVECW Student Chapter activities on “Industrial IOT” in December 2018
- One week ATAL FDP on “Current Trends and Future Prospects: AI and Machine Learning Applications in Electrical Engineering” during 11th–16th Dec 2023 in association with AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy
- A 10 Day FDP on “Hybrid Vehicles and Battery Management System” during 7th – 16th March 2022 in association with E & ICT Academy & Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Warangal
- A one week FDP on “Recent Trends In Electrical Engineering: A Research Perspective” (RTEE-2018) in February 2018.
- One week FDP on “Challenges in Distributed Generation and Grid Integration” in August 2016 – Under TEQIP-II
- Coordinated National Conference on “Emerging Technologies in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (ETE)”during the years 2014, 2015, 2016
- Coordinated Staff Development Program on “Recent Advances in Power Electronics for Power Quality Improvement” In June 2011