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Information Technology (IT)

Dr. G.Kalivaraprasanna Babu

Assistant Professor |

PhD:Computer Science , Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, Tamilnadu-2024
MSc:Computer Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana-2016

BSc:Computer Science , Gangadhar Meher College, Sambalpur, Odisha-2013


Teaching Experience : 00 Years

SVECW Employee ID : 1268
AICTE Registration ID :Nil

  • Block Chain
  • G Kalivaraprasanna Babu, P Thiyagarajan, and R Saranya. A blockchain based scheme fordistributed storage of nuclear power plant images. Kerntechnik, volume 89, pages 67–76. DeGruyter (SCIE IF: 0.4), 2024.
  • G Kalivaraprasanna Babu and P Thiyagarajan. Broadening of horizons: a review of blockchains’influence on ehrs development trend. International Journal of Electronic Healthcare, volume 13,pages 134–157. Inderscience Publishers, 2023.
  • G Kalivaraprasanna Babu, P Thiyagarajan, and R Saranya. Proactive public healthcare solution based on blockchain for covid-19. In International Conference on Advanced Communications and Machine Intelligence, pages 125–134. Springer, 2022.

  • G Kalivaraprasanna Babu and P Thiyagarajan. The current state of prescriptions and potential enhancements using blockchain. In 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2021.