Professor |
Ph.D. : CSE, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Orissa, 2021.
M. Tech. : IT, Guru Nanak Engineering College, JNTUH, Hyderabad, 2011.
B. Tech. : IT, Swarnandhra College of Engineering and Technology, JNTUH, 2008.
DEEE : EEE, State Board of Technical Education, Hyderabad, 2004.
Teaching Experience : 15 Years
SVECW Employee ID : 1218
AICTE Registration ID : 1-1507894578
- Data Privacy
- Machine Learning
- Software Engineering
- ISTE Life Member
- Institute of Engineers (IE) Life Member
- Veeramanickam M.R.M., Gaganpreet Kaur, Amevi Acakpovi, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Ciro Rodriguez R.* and A. V. Kalpana, “Sustainable Teaching and Learning E-learning Model towards Redesigning Transformative Learning Model for Knowledge Sharing & Infrastructure Enhancements Post COVID-19”, Recent Patents on Engineering, Volume 19, Issue 2, 2025, DOI: 10.2174/0118722121233419231005093708
- Archana, M., Shanthi, D., Vadrevu, P.K. (2025). Speech Emotion Recognition Using CNN Classifier Based on Deep Learning Model. In: Geetha, R., Dao, NN., Khalid, S. (eds) Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Big Data Processing. AAIMB 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2202. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-73065-8_21
- Sustainable Teaching and Learning E-learning Model towards Redesigning Transformative Learning Model for Knowledge Sharing & Infrastructure Enhancements Post COVID-19, CRRAVK Veeramanickam M R M, Gaganpreet Kaur, Amevi Acakpovi, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Recent Patents on Engineering 18, (https://www.eurekaselect.com/article/135).
- Prediction of Loan Approval from Financial Institutions: A Prototype Using Machine Learning, Sasi Kumar Bunga Dutta Ramya, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), 2022/12.
- A new framework to classify the cancerous and non-cancerous pap smear images using filtering techniques to improve accuracy, M.S Saravanan., J Cruz Antony, V. Pavan Kumar, M.R.M.Veeramanickam,MakarandUpadhyaya,https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9844216, 2022/8/3.
- A Review on Privacy Preservation Techniques in Surveillance and Health Care Data Publication, Sangram Keshari Swain ,Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Sri Krishna Adusumalli, Vamsi Krishna Mangalapalli, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2021/3.
- Personal privacy preserving data publication: Ɛ-Differential privacy perspective, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Sri Krishna Adusumalli, Vamsi Krishna Mangalapalli ,Sangram, Keshari Swain, Solid State Technology, 2020/12/18.
- A hybrid approach for personal differential privacy preservation in homogeneous and heterogeneous health data sharing, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Sri Krishna Adusumalli, Vamsi Krishna Mangalapalli, High Technology Letters, 2020/9.
- PERSONAL PRIVACY PRESERVING DATA PUBLICATION OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC DATA USING EDGE COMPUTING, Sangram Keshari Swain Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Sri Krishna Adusumalli, Vamsi Krishna Mangalapalli, Journal of Critical Reviews, 2020/8.
- Motion Detection to Preserve Personal Privacy from Surveillance Data using Contrary Motion, Vamsi Krishna Mangalapalli, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Sri Krishna Adusumalli, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2020/3.
- A Survey on Personal Privacy Preserving Data Publication in IoT, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Sri Krishna Adusumalli, Vamsi Krishna Mangalapalli, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2019/4.
- Survey: Privacy Preserving Data Publication in the age of Big Data in IoT Era, Vamsi Krishna Mangalampalli, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Sri Krishna Adusumalli, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, 2017/12.
- Contemporary Energy Optimization for Mobile and Cloud Environment, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Ravi Kumar Suggala, Tej Varma Gadhiraju, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), 2016/9.
- Contemporary Vulnerability Evaluation of Web Servers, Pavan Kumar. V, Prof. Prasanna Balaji, Srinivasulu. U, Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology International Journal, 2011.
- V. Khullar, V. M. R.M, S. Muthukumarasamy, C. Prabha, H. Pal Singh and V. Pavankumar, “Hybrid of DNN Feature Extraction and Ensemble Classification for Identification of Esophagitis and Barretts in Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Images,” 2023 International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical Engineering & their Applications (IC2E3), Srinagar Garhwal, India, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/IC2E357697.2023.10262774.
- Hybrid of DNN Feature Extraction and Ensemble Classification for Identification of Esophagitis and Barrett’s in Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Images, Vikas Khullar, MRM Veeramanickam, S Muthukumarasamy, ChanderPrabha, Harjit Pal Singh, Vadrevu Pavankumar, 2023 International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical Engineering & their Applications (IC2E3).
- Sign Language Recognition for Needy People Using Machine Learning Model, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, MRM Veeramanickam, Sri Krishna Adusumalli, Sasi Kumar Bunga, Intelligent Computing and Applications: Proceedings of ICDIC 2020, 2022/11/14.
- Big Data Expansion and Challenges, G Tej Varma, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Ravi Kumar Suggala, ICACC- 2016.
- Reliable Security with Cloud Environment, Pavan Kumar.V, Venkatesh.B, International Conference on Innovation in Computer Science and Engineering ICI CSE 2014.
- Web Server Security, Pavan Kumar, Ravi Kumar.S, International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering ICI CSE-2013.
- Multi-Criteria Fuzzy AHP Method for Analyzing the Importance of E-Learning Platforms during Covid-19, MRM Veeramanickam, Sergey Gorbachev, Pavan Kumar Vadrevu, Dmytro Shevchuk, Amevi Acakpovi, Robert Awuah-Baffour, Artificial Intelligence Impressions, 2022/11/24.
- Board of Studies Member (CSE) at Srinivasa Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Cheyyeru, Amalapuram (2023-24 to 2026-27).
- Received “Best IT Associate Professor of the Year Award 2022” on 2nd Oct 2022 from RR KITS ITAP Awards-2022. (National)
- Received “Academic Excellence Award” from I2OR National Science Day Awards 2022. (National)
- Patent title: IoT Based Safeguard System for Patients with Neurological Disorders and Dementia.
- Software Testing
- Research Methodologies
- Successful completion of five-Day National level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Machine Learning & Deep Learning” from 26th – 30th Dec 2023, organized by Department of Information Technology, Aditya Engineering College, in association with Computer Society of India.
- Successfully Completed Software Test Automation with Selenium, held between 27-Nov-2023 and 1-Dec-23 using Digital Platform, TCS, Hyderabad.
- Successfully participated & completed AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Faculty Development Program on Design Thinking and Innovative Product Design at SAGI RAMAKRISHNAM RAJU ENGINEERING COLLEGE from 30/10/2023 to 04/11/2023.
- Successfully completed Microsoft, SAO & AICTE led FDP on Applied Cloud Computing for Full Stack Web Development under, Tech Saksham from 6th November 2023 to 10th November 2023
- Participated in 5 Day’s Online International Faculty Development Program on Data Analyst, organized by Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC), in Collaboration with ExcelR,19th June 2023 to 23rd June 2023
- Recent Advances in Data Science, Data Analytics and Cyber Security 01/03/2023
- NBA Accreditation Course by NITTR Chennai 11/11/2022
- One Week National Level Online Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security 05/11/2022
- Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security 01/11/2022
- Attended A One Week Online FDP on “Research Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology” 23/04/2022
- AICTE Sponsored One Week Online Short-Term Training Program on ICT Tools for Engineering College Teaching and Outcome Based Learning Organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering 22/10/2020
- Two Days Online National Workshop on RECENT TRENDS in DATA ANALYTICS & MACHINE LEARNING Organized by Department of Computer Science Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, A.P, held on 04th-05th August-2020
- Online FDP on Privacy and Security in IoT, ANITS, VIZAG,27july to 1 august 2020. 22/08/2020
- World’s largest Hands-On workshop on Dart Programming Language organized by Computer Science Engineering Department & Information Technology Department of Vishnu Institute of Technology in association 22/07/2020
- Online Faculty Development Program on Data Science and Analytics, conducted during 7 th – 11th July, 2020, at Anurag University, Hyderabad. 22/07/2020
- Blockchain & Cyber Security ONE WEEK FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, 22-26 June, 2020, one-week Online Faculty Development Program on “Blockchain & Cybersecurity: A unique fusion to untangle presented 22/06/2020
- Teaching and Learning Tools Setup and Assessment for Next Generation” 12-14 May, 2020, BVRIT, Hyderabad. 22/05/2020
- On line FDP on Artificial Intelligence, 22 to 26 May 2020, by Sri devi women’s engineering college. 22/05/2020
- Software Processes and Agile Practices an online non-credit course authorized by University of Alberta and offered through Coursera 24/04/2020
- Completed the online, non-credit Specialization Computational Thinking with Beginning C Programming, Tim “Dr. T” Chamillard Associate Professor of Computer Science Program Director, achelor of Innovation 22/04/2020
- Attended a Workshop on Active Learning and Project Based Learning at BVB College of Engineering Hubli Karnataka. 06/08/2013
- Attended One Week Workshop on Network Security and Computer Forensics Conducted by VR SIDDARTHA Engineering College -Vijayawada. 29/04/2013
- Attended 1day Workshop on Web Application Security Conducted by VIT-Chennai. 20/04/2013
- Attended 2day International Workshop on Cyber Physical Systems CPS-2013 Conducted by IIT Hyderabad. 22/03/2013
- Attended 9day workshop on JOY OF TEACHING By Enhance Edu IIITH CONDUCTED at BVRIT HYDERABAD 16/05/201
- Web Application Development using Python and Django under TEQIP-II
- Editorial Board Member “Medicon Engineering Themes (MCET) (ISSN: 2834-7218)” is a multidisciplinary International, double blinded peer reviewed open access Journal with 1.222 impact factor.
- Reviewer 13th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2023)
- Reviewer 4th International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data (MMBD 2023)
- Reviewer International Conference EAI IC4S 2022 held at Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram, 26-27 November 2022.
- Reviewer International Conference EAI IC4S 2023 held at Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram, August, 2023.
- Resource Person one-week online faculty development program on “Recent Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology” organized by Vijay Institute of Technology for Women from 18-23 April 2022.