Assistant Professor |
Education Qualification:
Ph.D : Pursuing from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
P.G : M.E in Automobile Engineering, Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Graduate Year: 2013.
U.G : B.E in Mechanical Engineering Graduated Year: 2011.
Diploma: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, SMVM Polytechnic, Tanuku
Teaching Experience : 10 yrs
SVECW ID : 329
Google Scholar Id : nmorn8YAAAAJ
ORCID Id : 0000-0003-2035-989X
Vidwan ID : 153057
- Automobile Engineering,
- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
- Automobile Engineering,
- Basic Mechanical Engineering,
- Engineering Drawing,
- Power Plant Engineering,
- Thermodynamics,
- IC Engines,
- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning,
- Machine Drawing,
- Kinematics of Machines,
- Thermal Engineering Lab,
- Machine Tools Lab,
- Production Lab,
- Heat Transfer Lab,
- Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machinery Lab.
- Interdisciplinary subjects like Matlab Programming, Design Thinking
- Lab in-charge – Thermal Engineering Lab
- Tech Guru, AICTE IDEA Lab, SVECW
- Coordinator – Department level Timetable, Innovation Ambassador, IIC, SVECW, ARIIA, NAAC and NBA Criteria – 1.
- Organized a one-week online Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineering Problems”
- Organized a one-week ATAL Basic Idea Lab FDP on “Design Thinking and Prototyping for Industry 4.0”
- Organized a one-week Student training program on “CATIA Toolbox for Emerging Industrial Applications”
- Attended a FDP on Advances in Modeling using CATIA with Handson Experience, 2018.
- Young Scientist Conference – India International Science Festival 2018, Lucknow, U.P
- Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology 2018, MVGR, Vizianagaram
- Regional Research Symposium – Project Based Learning 2019, KLE Technological University, Hubli.
- Recent Advances in Renewable Energy 2020,
- Refrigerants Progression 2020,
- LaTex for Scientific Documentation 2020,
- Potential Research Areas in Mechanical Engineering 2020,
- Automotive Structures Design using CATIA 2020,
- Basic FDP on IDEA Lab 2022, AKGEC, New Delhi
- Smart Manufacturing 2022, Dr. D. Y. Patil University, Pune
- Successfully completed Innovation Ambassador training Foundation Level in online mode by MoE’s innovation cell & AICTE.
- Attended a one-week Faculty Training Program on “Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)”from 16 -20th Oct 2023.
- “Performance and Emission Characterization of Brown Gas Based Petrol Engine” in IJAER ISSN: 0973-4562 Vol 9, No. 23.
- “Random Vibration Analysis of Mechanical Hardware of Flight Data Recorder” in ARPN ISSN: 1819-6608 Vol 11, No. 8.
- 3rd National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering conducted by Sri Balaji Chockalingam Engineering College, Arni, Chennai.
- 2nd Internal Conference on Design, Analysis and Manufacturing Systems conducted by Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha University, Chennai.
- Successfully completed a course on “Introduction to IoT” provided by NASSCOM Future Skills – Cisco Networking Academy.
- Successfully completed AICTE Evaluated 16-day “Entrepreneurship Awareness Program” by Turnip Innovations.
- Successfully completed a course on “Six Sigma Principles” provided by Coursera.
- Successfully completed a course on “Design Thinking – A Hands-on Course on Innovation Design Thinking from Udemy
- Fundamentals of Macroscopic and Microscopic Thermodynamics from Coursera
- Introduction to Thermodynamics – Transferring Energy from here to there from Coursera
- Quantum Mechanics from Coursera
- Six Sigma from Coursera
- MATLAB onramp course, Mathworks.
- Patented a Design of “Wheel Rim” with Design patent no: 316255-001, published in India patents
- Patented a Design of “Organic Waste Compost Machine for Home Purpose” with Design patent no: 331815-001, published in India patents
- Patented a Design of “Aero Solid Tyre for Motor Cycle” with Design patent no: 332810-001, published in India patents
- Patented a Design of “Airless Tyre for Motor Cycle” with Design patent no: 332808-001, published in India patents
- Patented a Design of “Integrated Airless Wheel” with Design patent no: 348726-001, published in India patents
- Patented a Design of “PILL BOTTLE” with Design patent no: 341591-001, published in India patents