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Global Performance Excellence Award By APQO

Global Performance Excellence Award By APQO

Global Performance Excellence Award – Asia Pacific Quality Organization (APQO)

15th October 2012 and  10th December 2018 were designated in the history of Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women as a red letter day.  This is true because of the ‘Best in Class Award’ was bestowed on Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women from the Asia Pacific Quality Organization.

APQO in a nut shell……

Asia Pacific Quality Organization is a leading, autonomous, non-political, non-profit, scientific and technical organization domiciled in an Asia Pacific region fixed by the Core Council, Asia Pacific includes countries in Asia and those located near the Pacific Rim.

APQO is playing a role of the universal prime mover in terms of continuously improving the quality not only of goods and services all over the world but also the quality of life of its people.

APQO’s goal is to achieve continuous quality improvement of goods and services through efficient organization, promotion and development of appropriate means to meet with other associations, institutions, groups and individuals concerned with and/or engaged in work related to quality improvement of goods and services. To date, APQO is listed in the World’s Selected Quality Institutions and is linked with fifteen other quality or standard organizations in the world.


The officers and Members of the APQO, who are elected during the Conferences, have the responsibility of making the Committees that function under their supervision. Its officers and members, being leaders themselves, have been given the charge of keeping the organization continuously updated regarding major events among the Core Council membership as well as the global quality directions for which they are expected to keep abreast.

Global Performance Excellence Award – Best In Class Educational Organization by APQO in 2018

Global Performance Excellence Award – Best In Class Educational Organization by APQO in 2012