Statutory > Committees

Internal Quality Assurance Cell

S. No.NameDesignationType of MembershipPosition
1Dr. G. Srinivasa RaoPrincipalHead of the InstitutionChairman
2Sri. J. V. S. S. Prasad RajuDirector-Admin, SVESManagementMember
3Prof. P. Venkata Rama RajuVice PrincipalAdministrative OfficerMember
4Dr. G. R. L. V. N. S. RajuDean R & DAdministrative OfficerMember
5Dr. V Purushotham RajuDean AcademicsAdministrative OfficerMember
6Mr. Md. SiddiqAOAdministrative OfficerMember
7Mr. S. S. S. VarmaManager, SVESAdministrative OfficerMember
8Mr. N. Praveen KumarAsst. Prof., AI Dept.FacultyMember
9Dr. M. V. SrikanthAsst. Prof., EEE DeptFacultyMember
10Dr. G. Durga PrasadProfessor., AI DeptFacultyMember
11Dr. S. Hanumantha RaoProfessor, ECE DeptFacultyMember
12Mr. K. P. SwaroopAsst. Prof., EEE Dept.FacultyMember
13Dr. M. V. Ganeswara RaoAssoc. Prof., ECE Dept.FacultyMember
14Dr. K. Rama Chandra RaoProfessor., CSE DeptFacultyMember
15Dr. N. SilpaAsst. Prof., CSE Dept.FacultyMember
16Mrs. P. LavanyaAsst. Prof., CE Dept.FacultyMember
17Dr. T. S. R. MurthyProfessor, BS Dept.FacultyMember
18Sri. G. V M RajuVillage President, KovvadaLocal SocietyMember
19Mr. A. Surya Narayana VarmaDGM ProductionsEmployerMember
20Mr. M. Shanmukha Vara PrasadParentParentMember
21Mrs. K. AparnaIC2, ServiceNowAlumniMember
22Ms. G. S A Madhu SamhitaII Year StudentStudentMember
23Ms. V. VaishaliniIV Year StudentStudentMember
24Dr. V. V R Maheswara RaoDean Statutory BodiesAdministrative OfficerCoordinator

In order to make SVECW the first choice of students and staff, the objectives of IQAC are

  • To empower women in professional courses
  • To achieve Academic Excellence
  • To explore hidden talent of the students by providing a unique learning experience
  • To build confidence among students in analyzing complex problems and in taking decisions
  • To inculcate acquisition of superior knowledge working skills
  • To develop competence among students to build, motivate and lead project teams effectively
  • To enable the students to acquire communication skills to help in presenting any matter coherently, rationally and convincingly
  • To adopt co-operative approach in problem solving
  • To establish interface between Institute and Industry