In-House R&D Projects /Seed Money Projects
Seed money projects at SVECW provide faculty and students with the chance to explore ideas, develop prototypes, and apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings. With initial funding and support, these projects empower faculty & students to embark on applying for external funding agencies, entrepreneurial ventures, fostering a culture of innovation and problem-solving.
Year | No. of Projects | Amount Sanctioned |
2024-25 | 4 | 723706.00 |
2023-24 | 4 | 246530.00 |
2022-23 | 5 | 365690.00 |
2021-22 | 6 | 262483.00 |
Sl. No. | Name of the Faculty | Dept. | Title of the Project | Amount Applied in Rs. |
1 | Dr. J Rohith Balaji | EEE | Design for Smart Solar Aerator System for Prawn/Fish Ponds | Rs. 220706 |
2 | Dr. G Durga Prasad | AI | Solar Based Water Pumping System using 15 level Symmetrical Inverter | Rs. 327000 |
3 | Dr. K. Hari Krishna | ME | Fabrication and Characterization of Novel SiC and High-Entropy Alloy Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites | Rs. 80000 |
4 | Dr. K Benerjee | ME | Design and Fabrication of Drones Frames with Lattice structure using additive Manufacturing | Rs. 96000 |
Sl. No. | Name of the Faculty | Dept. | Title of the Project | Amount Applied in Rs. |
1 | Dr. J Rohith Balaji | EEE | 3-phase Rectifier unit with over curent protection for internal lab usage | 33330 |
2 | Dr. K. Ganesh Kadiyala Dr. P. Sree Brahmanandam | BS | Analysis of Water Samples | 45,000 |
3 | Dr. B. N. Malleshwara Rao Mr. N. Raja Sekhar | ME | Effect of Surface Treatment on Formability and Corrosion behaviours of Aluminium Tailor Welded Blanks Produced by Different Welding Techniques | 89,700 |
4 | Mr. N. Raja Sekhar Dr. B. N. Malleshwara Rao | ME | Effect of Surface Treatment on Metallurgical and Mechanical Behaviours of Aluminium Tailor Welded Blanks Produced by Different Welding Techniques | 78,500 |
Sl. No. | Name of the Faculty | Dept. | Title of the Project | Amount Applied in Rs. |
1 | Mr. L Ram Gopal | CE | Preparing Concrete Canoes for the Canoe Competition | 73750.00 |
2 | Mr. N Srinivasa Rao Dr. B N Malleswara Rao | ME | Metallurgical and mechanical behaviors of shielded metal arc, friction stir and tungsten inert gas welded dissimilar aluminum alloy joints | 84250.00 |
3 | Mr. B N Satya Krishna Dr. B N Malleswara Rao | ME | Fatigue crack growth behavior of shielded metal arc, friction stir and tungsten inert gas welded dissimilar aluminum alloy joints | 84250.00 |
4 | Mr. U D S Prathap Varma Dr. B N Malleswara Rao | ME | Influence of pin profile on fatigue crack growth behavior of friction stir welded aluminum tailor welded blanks | 79500.00 |
5 | Dr. K Ganesh Kadiyala Dr. P S Brahmanandam | BS | Water Sample Analysis in the Yanamaduru Village | 43940.00 |
Total | 365690.00 |
Sl. No. | Name of the Faculty | Dept. | Title of the Project | Amount Applied in Rs. |
1 | Dr. J Rohith Balaji | EEE | Hybrid Drive Controller for Induction Machine and BLDC Motor (Phase -I) | 23100.00 |
2 | Dr. S M Padmaja | EEE | Voice Activated Autonomous Chess Board for Disable (Phase -I) | 34969.00 |
3 | Mr. B N Malleswara Rao | ME | Influence of pin profile on Mechanical, metallurgical and formability behaviors of friction stir welded aluminium tailor welded blanks | 72500.00 |
4 | Dr. P S Brhamanandham | Physics | Establishment of a low-cost Particulate Matter (PM) sensor in SVECW campus, Bhimavaram. | 25000.00 |
5 | Dr. J Rohith Balaji | EEE | Automatic Guided Robot for Floor Chess (Phase -I) | 41864.00 |
6 | Dr. P Gireesh Kumar | CE | “Experimental Investigation of Sustainability of Pervious Concrete Pavement (PCP) with the Inclusion of GGBS w.r.t Alternative Mixes” | 65050.00 |
Total | 262483.00 |