Differentiators > TalentSprint – WISE


As part of WISE program out of 8 modules 3 modules are designed as project modules to get the industry oriented working culture. In every summer vacation after completing their end examinations students will work for 3-4 weeks on projects.

Module - II :: Projects using Python:

  • A project for PREDATOR PREY MODEL using Python
  • A project for WORD GUESSING using Python
  • A project for HANGMAN using Python
  • A project for LINGUSTIC STYLE ANALYSIS using Python
  • A project for TIGER AND GOAT using Python
  • A project for SNAKE AND LADDER using Python
  • A project for CURVE FITTING using Python
  • A project for LUDO using Python
  • A project for WEB PAGE LINK CHECKER using Python
  • A project for GOGGLE using Python

Module - V :: Projects using Advanced Java Programming

  • A web project for BooksDelen with web programming.
  • A web project for Buy It with web programming
  • A web project for Car Pooling with web programming
  • A web project for Collaboration System with web programming
  • A web project for Employee Payroll System with web programming
  • A web project for JobSeekers with web programming
  • A web project for Library Management System with web programming
  • A web project for Olx with web programming
  • A web project for Online BusTicket Reservation with web programming
  • A web project for Online Examination with web programming
  • A web project for Online Movie Ticket Booking with web programming
  • A web project for Recruitment Panel with web programming
  • A web project for WeConnect with web programming

Module - VIII :: Projects using Hadoop and BigData using R Tool

  • A project on Analyzing YouTube videos based on likes and comments using Hadoop with map reduce
  • A project on Analysis of total sales of Online Store using Hadoop with map reduce
  • A project on Traffic analysis using Hadoop with map reduce
  • A project on Analysing android apps using Hadoop with map reduce
  • A project on Whatsapp explore using Hadoop with map reduce
  • A project on Online Retail store using Hadoop with map reduce
  • A project on Twitter Analytics using Hadoop with map reduce
  • A project on Analysing sales data of a wholesale store using R tool
  • A project on Study of Power Consumption in SVES using R tool
  • A project on Mobile call logs Analysis using R tool
  • A project on Power Generation in different states and types of energy sources using R tool
  • A project on Restaurant billing using R tool
  • A project on Analysis on Road Accidents using R tool
  • A project on Bike Sharing using R tool
  • A project on Forecasting fine grained Air quality using R tool
  • A project on Diabetis Complications using R tool
  • A project on Mobile call logs Analysis using R tool
  • A project on Analysing Olympics data using R tool
  • A project on Medical Record Analysis using R tool
  • A project on Offline product sales using R tool
  • A project on Online Books Store using R tool
  • A project on Electrical Revenue from sales to ultimate customers using R tool

Module - VI :: Projects on BigData Analytics using R Tool

  • A BigData Analytics project on Twitter Analysis using R Tool
  • A BigData Analytics project on IMDB using R Tool
  • A BigData Analytics project on Twitter Analysis using R Tool
  • A BigData Analytics project on IPL using R Tool
  • A BigData Analytics project on Movie Lens using R Tool
  • A BigData Analytics project on Top_500_Indian_Cities using R Tool
  • A BigData Analytics project on World University Ranking using R Tool

Module - VIII :: Web Application Development using Python Frameworks: Django and Pyramid

  • BookWorm: A web application which used for buying books based on his interest
  • GiftCracker: Gift cracker is a web application, to send gifts online on the occasions.
  • FilmyFreaks: A web application which gives the details of movies based on different languages and genres
  • CForums: A web application which is used to know about the various activities going on in college
  • Gadgetguru: A Web application which provides working information about gadgets and guides the people to take right decision about purchasing them from different online websites
  • NewsFever: NewsFever is a web application, where we can read the top news stories about different fields and user can also share his/her own news/story with us.
  • TechExplore: TechExplore is a web applications where users can view and registers for various technical events and institutions can post their events’ details
  • OYETravels: A web Application in which the user can reserve their tickets for flights, trains and buses
  • Asista: A Web Application which helps in Getting Funds for & Selling Assistive Products.
  • GoPassion: A Web Application where users can learn different passions or can showcase their skills.
  • Tourism&Travels: A Web Application in which a user can search & book for various Tour Packages
  • Celebrino: A Web Application where we can organize different type of events like marriage, events etc.
  • PrettifyMe: A Web Application that suggests a suitable Dress for an occasion based on the person characteristics
  • CookingRecipies: A web Application which gives information about the required ingredients and preparation process for different dishes
  • FamilyCanvas: A web Application where the user can create a family group and share memories and moments
  • MobAccessers: A web application where users can go through different brands and models of mobiles, tabs and laptops and can buy based on their interest.
  • Location Slick: A web application which helps users to find information about location. Mainly for users who are new to place.
  • Laundromat: A Web Application which provides laundry services for various sectors like hospitals, hostels, hotels by Door Delivery. & Direct Services.
  • Gifts For You: A web application which helps to select a perfect gift for any kid of personality and different attitudes and gender and other characteristics.

Module - II :: Projects using Python

  • Snake and Ladder: To implement the code for the game of snake and ladder , a familiar game to everyone using Python3, Latexbeamer
  • Pgn-Parser: To display the position of the each chess piece using Python Latex Beamer
  • Best-Word: To Implement the code for to print best word in the scrabble game using Python,Latex Beamer,SOWPOD
  • Predator – Prey: To show a graph between predator – prey varying with time using Python,MATLAB,LatexBeamer
  • Master-Mind: Word Game using Python, Pygame

Module - V :: Web Projects using Advanced Java

  • A web project for “Online Bus Ticketing (Scheduling)”
  • A web project for Online Bus Ticketing(Seating selection)
  • A web project for Online Exam Portal (Test Taker Module)
  • A web project for Online Exam Portal (Loading QP using Excel and Manual Entry)
  • A web project for Online Exam Portal (User Admin QP and Scheduling)
  • A web project for Online Music Player
  • A web project for Restaurant management system

Module - VIII :: Web projects using Core Angular

  • A project for Urban Spoon using Core Angular
  • A project for Bus Boking using Core Angular
  • A project for Online Exam using Core Angular
  • A project for Recipe Book using Core Angular
  • A project for Online Music using Core Angular

Module - II :: Projects using Python

  • A Python project for Tigers and Goats
  • A Python project for Master Mind Game
  • A Python project for Stylometry
  • A Python project for Hangman
  • A Python project for Predator Prey Modelling
  • A Python project for Chaos Generator
  • A Python project for Scrabble Pal
  • A Python project for Snakes and Ladders

Module - V :: Web Projects using Advanced Java

  • A web project on Versla using advanced java
  • A web project onOLX using advanced java
  • A web project on Siopa using advanced java
  • A web project on WorkForce using advanced java
  • A web project on Man Power using advanced java
  • A web project on “Bonus Coupon Management System (Customer Module)” using advanced java
  • A web project on “Bonus Coupon Management System (Corporate Module)” using advanced java
  • A web project on “Bonus Coupon Management System (Manager Module)” using advanced java
  • A web project on “Bonus Coupon Management System (Admin Module)” using advanced java

Module - V :: Advanced Java – Web development Projects

  • Web project for WISE application using Hibernate framework
  • A web project for working person support system using Hibernate framework
  • A web application for Car Rental System using Hibernate framework
  • A web application for Bus Reservation System using Hibernate framework
  • A web application for Matrimony using Hibernate framework
  • A web project for Wise application using Hibernate framework
  • A web project for Net Banking using Hibernate framework
  • A web project for Building management System (Amenities) using Hibernate framework
  • A web project for Library Management System using Hibernate framework
  • A web project for Business Transactions using Hibernate framework
  • A web project for Swiggy operations using Hibernate framework

Module - VII & VIII :: Machine Learning Projects

  • A machine learning project for Movie Recommender System using Unsupervised-Associations-Analysis
  • A machine learning application for Image caption generator using Supervised-CNN-NLP-RNN
  • A machine learning application using Uber Data Analysis using Visualisation
  • A machine learning application for E-commerce Sales Forecast using Supervised-Clustering-RNN-Time_series
  • A machine learning application for Credit card fraud detection using Supervised-Classification-Boosting
  • A machine learning application for Object Recognition using Supervised-CNN
  • A machine learning application for drug stores sales forecast using Supervised-Regression
  • A machine learning application for Fake News Prediction using Supervised-NLP-Classification
  • A machine learning application for Driver Drowsiness Detection using Supervised-CNN-CV
  • A machine learning application for Grocart Analysis using Supervised-Association
  • A machine learning application for Amazon Reviews for Sentiment Analysis using Supervised-NLP-Classification
  • A machine learning application for Census Income Prediction using Supervised-Classification
  • A machine learning application for TRAFFIC SIGNS RECOGNITION using Supervised-CNN
  • A machine learning application for Catastrophe posts genuinity prediction using Supervised-NLP-Classification
  • A machine learning application for Bike sharing prediction using Supervised-Regression
  • A machine learning application for Handwritten digit recognition using Supervised-CNN-GUI

Module - II :: Web Projects using Django

  • A web project for Pet House using Django
  • A web project for cooking recipe system using Django
  • A web project for College Automation System using Django
  • A web project for Library Management System using Django
  • A web project for STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM using Django
  • A web project for COLLEGE E-LECTURE ANNOTATION SYSTEM using Django
  • A web project for BIRD HOUSE using Django
  • A web project for BE YOUR OWN BOOKER using Django
  • A web project for ONLINE AUCTION using Django
  • A web project for LAUNDRY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM using Django
  • A web project for friends.com(social networking site) using Django
  • A web project for E-Wallet Management System using Django
  • A web project for PARKING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM using Django
  • A web project for College ANNOTATION System using Django
  • A web project for NEST AWAY (Home Rental Services) using Django
  • A web project for MOVIE DATABASE using Django

Module - VI :: Web Projects using Angular with Hibernate Framework

  • Web project for CYBER ARTIFICER using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for Qlick2Learn using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for EDUMATE using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for Tour Vogue using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for RECRUITEX using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for Home Gardening using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for ART QUEST using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for HANDY SERVICES using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for TECH DELTA using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for BOOK SAVERS using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for HAPPIFY using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for PLAN YOUR DIET using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for “CLUB RADAR Event Management” using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for COVID-19 ESSENTIALS using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for TRAVEL DIARIES using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for FARMER’S NEEDS using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for ARTISANAL STORE using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for SmartDoc using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for SVECW INTERVIEW GUIDE using Angular with Hibernate.
  • Web project for CREATIVE KART using Angular with Hibernate.