Professor |
Ph.D (Space Physics- Best Thesis Award-2006): Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
M. Sc.: Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (University Gold Medallist)
Employee ID: 749
Teaching Experience: 14 years
(Research Papers- 81 with H-index- 15; General Articles – 02; Books Authored-02; Songs Written- 18)
- Ching-Lun Su, Po-Hsun Chiu, Ruey-Ming Kuong, Hsyang-Chan Chen, Yen-Hsyang Chu, A. Narendra Babu, P. S. Brahmanandam, NEW CHUNG-LI METEOR RADAR IN TAIWAN – PRELIMINARY RESULTS, DOI: 10.24874/PES.SI.24.03.019, Proceedings on Engineering Sciences
- Vijay Kumar Lingutla, Nadiminti Nagamani, P. S. Brahmanandam, INFERENCES DRAWN ON COMMON SCALE PARAMETER OF TWO POPULATIONS USING RAINFALL DATA, DOI: 10.24874/PES.SI.25.03B.019, Proceedings on Engineering Sciences
- Athira K, P. S. B., Narsimhulu D. (2025). Numerical Solutions of Time-Fractional N-W-S and Burger’s Equations using the Tarig Projected Differential Transform Method (TPDTM). Contemporary Mathematics, 1–14.
- S. Brahmanandam, Investigation of anomalous ionospheric signature as possible precursor to earthquakes. (2024). Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 6(4), 1805–1812.
- Sridhar, H. S., Devi, N. L., Uma, G., Saha, A., Brahmanandam, P. S., & Kumar, K. R. (2024). FIRST-TIME OBSERVATIONS OF FINE PARTICLE MATTER (PM2. 5) AT A RURAL SITE IN SOUTH INDIA–A CASE STUDY. Proceedings on Engineering, 6(4), 1793–1798.
- S. Brahmanandam, Transformative Impact of Contemporary Technology on the Evolution of English Language. (2025). In Glocal Tongues: Navigating Linguistic Currents in a Connected World. (Vol. 11, pp. 1–19). Apple Academy Publishers.
- S. Brahmanandam, Revolutionizing EV Battery Management through Machine Learning Approach- A Case Study. (2024). AIP Proceedings, 15, 1–9. AIP.
- Rainfall Prediction Using CAPE and Surface Temperatures in Three Major Indian Cities. (2024). AIP Proceedings, 15, 1–9. AIP.
- Dhulipudi, S. M., P Sd, P. P., & Others. (2024). A case study of women’s entrepreneurship dynamics in three rural districts of Andhra Pradesh, a south Indian state. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(11), 9228.
- Praneetha, P. S. B., S. Srinivasa Rao. (2024). A Case Study on Using Threat Modeling to Secure Cloud Computing Data. Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 7(3), 1489–1494.
- S. Brahmanandam, First-Time Observations of Fine Particle Matter (Pm2.5) at a Rural Site in South India — A Case Study. (2024). Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 7(3), 1478–1483.
- S. Brahmanandam, Dielectric Studies on TSP: Nano3 Biopolymer-Based Polymer Electrolytes. (2024). Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 7(3), 1456–1461.
- Veerraju Nalla, P. S. Brahmanandam, L. N. P. Kumar Rallabandi. (2024). SOLVING INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM USING GM-R METHOD. Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 6(3), 1265–1272.
- Kadiyala, K. G., Potula, S. B., Kadali, J., & Bomma, M. (2024). A Comparative Study on the Water Quality Parameters of the Samples Collected at a Rural Indian Location. International Conference on Water Resources, Ocean and Environmental Engineering, 1–18. Springer.
- S. Brahmanandam, Empirical Model of Equatorial ElectroJet (EEJ) Using Long-Term Observations From the Indian Sector. (2024). Space Weather, 22(https://doi.org/10.1029/2024SW003988), 1–15.
- Babu, G. R., Gokuldhev, M., & Brahmanandam, P. S. (2024). Integrating IoT for Soil Monitoring and Hybrid Machine Learning in Predicting Tomato Crop Disease in a Typical South India Station. Sensors, 24(19), 6177.
- Ravi, V. R. K., Sekhar, K. V. C., Brahmanandam, P. S., & Ramanaiah, J. V. (2024). Analytical solutions of Poiseuille flow of second-grade fluid. Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, 21(1), 67–77.
- S. Brahmanandam, K. K. J. Chakravarthy, G. Uma, J. V. Krishna, COVID-19 Crisis: Exploring Challenges, Opportunities, and Cautions. (2024). Qeios.
- P. S. Brahmanandam., K. Venkata Chandra Sekhar. (2024). Investigating Poiseuille Flows in Rotating Inclined Pipes: An Analytical Approach. International Journal of Heat and Technology, 1(1), 1–10.
- Kumar, P. R., Swamy, B. Y. V. N. R., Brahmanandam, P. S. (2023). Polyimide-based Flexible Antenna for Telemedicine and Wireless Applications. Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Formerly Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering), 16(4), 426–435.
- Narendra Babu, A., Brahmanandam, P. S., Uma, G., Pushpa, K., Srinivas, K., & Praneetha, A. (2023). Tropospheric Zenith Delay (TZD) for Microwaves during Severe Weather Events Over a Few Indian Stations. In Advances in Signal Processing, Embedded Systems and IoT: Proceedings of Seventh ICMEET-2022 (pp. 165–172). Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore.
- Narendra Babu, Brahmanandam, P. S. (2023). Internet of Things (IoT) based Pesticide Spraying Robot-A Revolution in Smart Farming. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 16(22), 1676–1681.
- P. S. Brahmanandam, Uma, G., Tarakeswara Rao, K., Sreedevi, S., SMP Latha Devi (2023). Doppler Sodar Measured Winds and Sea Breeze Intrusions over Gadanki (13.5° N, 79.2° E), India. Sustainability, 15(16), 12167.
- P. S. Brahmanandam, A Study of Important Atmospheric Convective Indices and Their Impacts on Aviation. (2022). European Journal of Applied Sciences, 1(4), 36–142.
- P. S. Brahmanandam, Smart energy meter. (2022). Indian J Science and Technology, 15(29), 1451–1457.
- Brahmanandam, P. S., Subba Rao, P. S. V., Cheng, C. T., & Chu, Y. H. (2020). Observations of Inertial-gravity Waves Observed from Long-lasting Meteor Trail Echoes. International Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Journal, 1–12.
- Chakravarthy, K. K. J., Brahmanandam, P. S., Uma, G., Potukuchi, D. M., & Rao, N. S. S. (2022). Toxicity Associated with Gold Nanoparticles: A Review.
- Brahmanandam, P. S., Kumar, V. N., Kumar, G. A., Rao, M. P., Samatha, K., & Ram, S. T. (2020). A few important features of global atmospheric boundary layer heights estimated using COSMIC radio occultation retrieved data. Indian Journal of Physics, 94, 555–563.
- Uma, G., Brahmanandam, P. S., Srinivasu, V. K. D., Prasad, D., Gowtam, V. S., Ram, S. T., & Chu, Y. H. (2020). Ionospheric responses to the 21 August 2017 great American solar eclipse–A multi-instrument study. Advances in Space Research, 65(1), 74–85.
- Satyavani, M., Brahmanandam, P. S., Subba Rao, P. S., V., & P Rao, M. (2020). Lower Atmospheric Wind Dynamics as Measured by the 1290 MHz Wind Profiler Radar Located at Cardington, UK and Their Comparisons with Near-by Radiosonde Instrument. Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports, 8(1), 22–35.
- Brahmanandam, P. S., Chakravarthy, K. K. J., Raju, G. R., Rao, N. S., Satyavani, M., Kumar, V. N., … Others. (2020). Feasible Solutions and Role of Nanomaterials in Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Preliminary Study. Trends in Biomaterials & Artificial Organs, 34.
- An International Conference on “Recent Advances in Applied Sciences & Engineering”, Dec 2024.
- A two-day intensive workshop on, ‘XILINX EMBEDDED DESIGN FLOW’, during 03-04 December 2011 in the Dept. of ECE, K L University, Vaddeswaram- 522 502, India (www.kluniversity.in/pdfs/XilinxBro.pdf)
- A two-day National Seminar on, ‘Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies (RAISE-2012)’ during January 04-05, 2012 in the Dept. of ECE, K L University, Vaddeswaram- 522 502, India for which more than 250 participants were attended and brought Proceedings in Printed and Digital formats (kindly see http://www.kluniversity.in/raise2012/index.html for further details).
- A two-day Intensive Workshop on, ‘PNMSats’, during 27-28 May 2015in MITS, Madanapalle- 517 324, India.
- A Five-day Workshop on ‘Recent Advances in Nanomaterials and Applications’, during 3-7 October 2016 in SVECW, Bhimavaram, India
- An Intl. Conference on ‘Recent Advances in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Dec. 22-23, 2023’ at SVECW (A), http://icraae.svecw.edu.in/
- R & D Coordinator (NAAC, NBA, NIRF, FCC and others)
- AAA Club Coordinator
- TechPost Club Coordinator
- Senior Research Fellowship – CSIR, Government of India, India 2003
- Best Research Paper Award- Natl. Space Science Symposium, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayyam, Kerala, India 2004
- Best Doctoral Thesis Award & Recipient of Prof. TVR Award- Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India 2006
- Research project under Fast-track Scheme for Young Researchers- DST (Govt. of India), India 2011
- Outstanding Reviewer Award- Editor – ASR journal (Elsevier) 2014
- Outstanding Reviewer Award- Editor -JASTP (Elsevier) 2015
- Intl. Travel Support (ITS) – SERB, Govt. of India 2015
- Invitation to Ionospheric Effects Symposium -Boston University, Boston, USA -Registration fee (USD 500) waived 2015
- Best Researcher Award- Natl. Central University, Taiwan 2015
- Reviewer Award- J Geophys. Res. – American Geophys. Union 2016
- Appointed to translate ‘Electromagnetism’ subject in regional language (Telugu) by AICTE, Govt. of India- ‘SWAYAM’ project 2020
- JNTUK and KL University, Vijayawada Recognized Ph.D. Guide 2021
- Completed-02; Pursuing- 02 (JNTUk-01 & KLU- 01)
Sponsored Projects – 04 (03 DST Projects; 01- AICTE)
- Dept. Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India sponsored three years duration research project entitled, ‘Ionospheric morphological studies using GPS radio occultation (RO) technique and establishment of a Dual- Band GPS receiver to measure total electron content (TEC) and scintillation index at a low-latitude station in India’, under which an amount of Indian Rupees 27, 00, 000/- (~ US$ 36, 600) granted – File no: SR/FTP/ES-197/2010 dated 30 November 2011
- DST sponsored Global studies on ionospheric density irregularities during quite space-based remote sensing techniques- Sanctioned amount Indian Rupees 6, 83, 000/- (~ US$ 9, 300) granted – File no: SR/WOS-A/PS-01/2011 dated 22 August 2011
- DST sponsored Ionospheric morphological studies using the COSMIC radio occultation technique and developing reliable methods to screen-out questionable electron density profiles- Sanctioned amount Indian Rupees 25, 14, 000/- (~ US$ 34, 700) granted – File no: SR/WOS-A/EA-1015/2015 dated 30 November 2015
- AICTE- SPICES- Rs. 1, 00, 000 (One Lakh Rupees) to promote Student’s Clubs in Engineering Colleges
- In-house Project worth of 37,000/-
Achievements @ SVECW (A), Bhimavaram, India
- Five B. Tech Students Got Selected for Govt. of India Sponsored Summer Research Project Fellowships
- Convinced Management to Purchase a New Telescope that was installed in the AAA Club @ SVECW (A)
- Installed a Low-Cost Pollution Monitoring System that measures Ambient Air Pollution