Assistant Professor |
MA: From Andhra University, 2014
Employee ID: 708
Teaching Experience: 21 years
- Life Member of ISTE
- Role of Advanced English in Engineering Colleges, Proceedings of Engineering Sciences Vol. xx, No. x (202x) x-x, doi:
- English Language Teaching through Innovative Teaching Methods (Scopus) Journal of Xidian University DOI:10.37896/jxu17.9/078 ISSN No:1001-2400,2023.
- A Literary Activity in Language Class: Identification of Rhetorical Devices Used by Steve Job’s in his Speech ‘Stay Hungry Stay Foolish’. A PLETHORA OF THOUGHTS A Compilation of Research Papers,ISBN,pg no:113 (WOS),2022
- ‘Reflective teaching Practices in English language classroom’, English Studies, International Research Journal (WOS), Vol-3, Issue-2, 2015.
- ‘Language through literature:PauloCohelo’s The Alchemist,International Research Journal(WOS),Vol-2, Issue-1, 2015.
- Presented a paper titled English Language in Journalism in the International Conference on English Language and Literature: Readings and Reflections at GITAM
University, Hyderabad on 7th&8th August,2015. - Presented a paper titled ‘Reflective teaching Practice in English language classroom’, in the International Conference on Advances in English Studies &Women Empowerment held during August21&22,2015 at KL University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur.
- Presented a paper on Language through literature: Paulo Cohelo’s The Alchemist in the International Conference held at K L University, on 28th&29th March,2015.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Speaking Skills a Key Element of Employability’ in the international conference on Teaching English for Employability conducted by English Language teachers Association of India Thoothukudi (ACE) Chapter on 21st & 22nd November, 2013.
- Attended one-week international level virtual faculty development program on Inter disciplinary Concepts organized by SR University, Warangal Nov27-Dec2,2023.
- Attended one-weekNational level virtual FacultyDevelopment Programme on “Innovative teaching strategies and tools in the Digital age”by Ministry of Education’sInstitution Innovation Council (IIC GGI Ludhiana) Nov 20-26,2023.
- Attended British Council Spoken English Course & Career and Personality Development Course seminar conducted on Dec 30,2022.
- Attended three-day National level FDP on Online Teaching using ICT Tools on 23-6-20 to 25-6-20 conducted by Dr.K.S.Raju & Science College, Penugonda, WG.Dt
- Attended an Online workshop on Basic English Communication skills workshop conducted by SVECW from 4th June to 6th June 2020.
- Attended a workshop on “ English for Writing Ph.D Thesis Writing & Journal paper” organized by Dept of English, Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women Bhimavaram, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, during 19th to23rdOctober 2016.
- Attended a workshop on Language Laboratory Systems conducted by Dr.K.S.Raju &Science College, Penugonda, WG.Dt on 23-11-2006.
- Attended five day training program on Listening and Speaking Skills conducted by APSCHE from 15th August to 19th August 2006,at Andhra University, Vishakapatnam.
- Attended staff development program on student counseling and career guidance conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research from 20-06-2008 to 21-06-2008.
- Attended AICTE sponsored staff development program “Teacher and the Taught” at SVECW from 24th March to 30th March 2010.
- Attended A One Day Workshop on ‘Women Empowerment thro’ awareness of health hygiene & nutrition” Conducted on 26th April 2011 in JNTUK.
- Attended UGC sponsored National Seminar on communication skills and English Literature conducted by D.N.R College on 25th February 2011.
- Attended UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Teaching of Spoken English in Rural Colleges conducted by SVKP and Dr. K.S.Raju Arts and Science College, Penugonda.on28th and 29th Nov,2008.
- Attended a Two Day workshop on Making English Classes Learner- Centered Conducted by JNTUK University college of Engineering, Vizianagaram on 10th& 11th March, 2014.
- Attended Cambridge English Teachers Support workshop at SVECW on 30th and 31st July 2014.
- Attended A Two Day National Seminar on Powerful Pedagogical Practices conducted by BVRIT Hyderabad on 31th October and 1st November 2014.
- NPTEL – Soft Skill Development – 8 weeks
- Coordinator – Anti Ragging
- Coordinator – Graduate Study Abroad Centre
- Coordinator -Arts- Presentation Movement
- Co-Coordinator – IET Student Chapter
- Member – Academic Council, SVECW
- Dept. Coordinator –Prathibha Magazine
- Dept. Coordinator – Internal Audit Committee
- Dept. Coordinator – NAAC
- Overall Coordinator for Clubs activities
- ECHO – Building Environment Conservation Heroes 2021 Project