Asst. Professor |
Ph.D: Pursuing from Krishna University
M.Phil: from Madhurai Kamaraju University, 2008
MSc: from Acharya Nagarjuna University, 2005
Employee ID: 758
Teaching Experience: 18 years
- Life Member in Indian Society Of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics L/1289
- Life Member of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Society for Mathematical Sciences
Joel Mathews, and Hymavathi Talla “Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic free convection and heat transfer flow of Al2O3‒Cu/water nanofluid over a non-linear stretching sheet in a porous medium” Published in Archives of Thermodynamics (2023) DOI: 10.24425/ather.2024.150449
- Hymavathi, T., Joel Mathews, and R. V. M. S. S. Kiran Kumar. “Heat transfer and inclined magnetic field effects on unsteady free convection flow of MoS2 and MgO–water based nanofluids over a porous stretching sheet.” International Journal of Ambient Energy 43.1 (2022): 5855-5863.
- Mathews, Joel, and T. Hymavathi. “Magnetohydrodynamic stagnation point flow and heat transfer effects of Al2O3-Cu/water hybrid nanofluid over a porous stretching surface.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 237.3 (2023): 1064-1072.
- Presented a paper in international Conference in 27th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences (CONIAPS XXVII) on Fluid Mechanics and its Industrial Applications October 26 – 28, 2021 (Online), Kuvempu University, Karnataka entitled Heat transfer and inclined magnetic field effects on unsteady free convection flow of MoS2 and MgO–water based nanofluids over a porous stretching sheet.
- Presented a paper in international Conference in RELEVANCY OF ANCIENT MATHEMATICS TO THE CURRENT DIGITAL TRENDS(ICRAMCDT2022) entitled Magnetohydrodynamic stagnation point flow and heat transfer effects of Al2O3-Cu/water hybrid nanofluid over a porous stretching surface from 09-11 December, 2022.
- Presented a paper entitled Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic free convection flow of Al2O3—cu/ water nanofluid over a permeable linear stretching sheet through a porous medium with viscous at 32nd Congress of APTSMS along with the International Conference on Computational Modeling in Science and Engineering (ICCMSE-2023), held during October 28–30, 2023, at the National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Telangana, India.
- Presented a paper entitled “Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Free Convection and Heat Transfer Flow of Al2O3Cu/Water Nanofluid Over a Non-linear Stretching Sheet in a Porous Medium (Paper id: PA0065) for the 68thConference of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM-2023) held at NIT Warangal during 7-9th December 2023.
- Participated in a One Week International Faculty Development Program on “Innovative Applications of Mathematics” organized by the Department of Mathematics, held from 18-11-2024 to 23-11-2024 through virtual mode.
participated in the One-Week National Level Faculty Development Programme(Hybrid Mode) on “Assimilation of Indian Knowledge Systems with NEP-2020: Prospect and Retrospect” from 30 July 2024 to 04 August 2024, organized by the Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), BVRITHYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women, Hyderabad, India.
- Participated in a Five Day Faculty Development Program o n “Applications of Mathematics in Various fields with innovation approaches” Organized by Department of Mathematics, Bapatla Engineering College, from 21 Nov – 25 Nov, 2023.
- Participated in the One week FDP on “RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES & FUNDING AGENCIES” Organized by Research & Development Cell, Krishna University, Machilipatnam from 27 June – 2 July, 2022.
- Participated in the One week FDP on “Enhancing the academic and intellectual environment in the higher educational institutes” (online) organized by Research & Development & Dept.of Mathematics, Krishna University from 11th July 2022 to 16th July 2022.
- Participated in the One week FDP on “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: EMERGING ISSUES & CHALLENGES” Organised by Research & Development Cell, Krishna University, Machilipatnam from 20 – 24 June, 2022.
- Participated in a Three Day International Webinar on “Non-Linear Differential Equations & Fluid Dynamics Applications in Engineering Sciences”Organised by CVR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (An Autonomous Institution, NAAC ‘A’ Grade), Ibrahimpatan (M), R.R District – 501510, Telangana from 12th – 14th May, 2022.
- Participated a One Week Online International Faculty Development Program on “Mathematical Prototypes and their Applications in Engineering and Science (MPAES-2020)” organized by Department of Engineering Mathematics and Humanities, Sagi Rama Krishnam Raju Engineering College, Bhimavaram, India held during 27-07-2020 to 01-08-2020.
- Participated a One Week Online National Faculty Development Program on e-Contents and ICT Tools for innovative and Effective Teaching Organised by KS Jain Institute of Engineering and Technology, Modinagar, Ghaziabad from 15 july to 21 July 2020
- Attended OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION AND ACCREDIATION at JNYU(H), Hyderabad on 14/09/2015.
- Attended NPTEL Workshop at Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad on 09/07/2016.
- Attended two day Workshop on Modelling ideas from Mathematics for advancements in Science and Technology at Vijaya Engineering College, Khammam on 12/10/2012 & 13/10/2012.
- Participated in the Short-term Course by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chennai on Instructional Design & Delivery Systems, Quality Improvement Programme from 07/01/2011 to 11/01/2011.
- Attended Two-Day Workshop on Applications of Mathematics & Statistics for Engineering at JNYU(H), Hyderabad on 23/07/2010 & 24/07/2010.
- Attended One-Day Orientation program on revised B.Tech 1 Year Mathematics Syllabus at JNTU (H), Hyderabad on 19/09/2009.
- Attended National Level Conference held at NIT, Warangal on National Workshop on Numerical Methods in engineering on 04/0/2008 & 05/04/02008.
- Attended Faculty Enablement program – Aptitude conducted by IEG-JKC & Globarena Technologies Pvt. Ltd. At Swami Ramanandateerdha Institute of Science & Technology, Nalgonda from 19/11/2007 to 24/11/2007.
- Attended National Level Conference which was held at Osmania Campus on Number Theory,Fixed Point Theorem and their Applications on 30/08/2007 & 31/08/2007.
- NPTEL Course, Essential Mathematics For Machine Learning (July – Oct 2022) 12 Weeks
- NPTEL Course, Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Jan – April 2019) 12 Weeks
- Coursera Course, Introduction to Calculus, 13.07.2020
- Coursera Course,Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate Calculus, 21.04.2020
- Coursera Course,Matrix Algebra for Engineers, 15.04.2020
- Coursera Course,Vector Calculus for Engineers, 14.04.2020
- Coursera Course,Introduction to Graph Theory, 29.07.2019
- Coursera Course,Mathematical Thinking in Computer Science, 03.07.2019.
- Worked as HoD of H&S Department at Sree Kavitha Engineering College, Karepally, Khammam. from 2008 to 2017.
- Worked as Diploma Coordinator at Sree Kavitha Engineering College, Karepally, Khammam from 2014 to 2017.
- Worked as Joint Chief Superindent for SBTET Exams.
- Worked as IEG faculty under Jawahar Knowledge Centre (JKC) training program in our College.
- Actively involved in NBA and NAAC Accreditation work.